New Member
This is my first post on here, but i have been reading them and learning from this site for a while. For my first post ever, this is a good one. I have a Cup Mushroom in my tank that i have had for over a year now and he is fairly large in size, which is shown in the old pic below. He has eatin fish before and i expected this of him, mostly Clowns b/c the rub in him. Well last week, he ate my Hawkfish, which sucked, but tonight, the Cup Mushroom picked off my Volitan Lionfish, which i have had for a couple of months! See the pics below. There is a pic of the Cup, the cup closed up on the Lion, and some pics of the cup opening up 3 hours later and you can see the Lions spikes inside of him.
Anyone else ever experienced such a mean Cup?
Anyone else ever experienced such a mean Cup?