uncured rock....worth the effort?

rabid seacow

New Member
I very interested in purchasing some 20 lbs. of deep water Tonga to compliment my existing 27 lbs of fiji in my 30 gallon tank.
The rock that I am interested in comes uncured and I am wondering if it is worth the month of curing to that "extra life".
Besides pests, what sorts of things have come on uncured rock and survive?


Well I actually have some now cured Deep Water Tonga. I can tell you it smelled horrible. It took quite a while to cycle and I could have used a much stonger skimmer. Now I put mine directly in my tank to convert my dead sand to live. If you had somewhere else to cure it, it would make it more bareable.
As far as life I've found tons and tons of diffrent kinds of worms, feather dusters, fan worms, macro algae and that's about it on mine. The corraline grows very quickly and is varied in color. I got sizes from golfball up to slightly smaller then a football. Some round, some flat, and a few branch.
Hope this helps you make your decision,
Good luck,


To me it is not worth it. Buy the stuff cured and save the headache. And in regards to your other post I would be sceptical of getting LR online. There infinate possibilities to what you may get, how you want to put in your tank and whatnot. If you have a good LFS, nothing is better than sorting through their LR and finding that piece that will go just perfectly in you tank.


New Member
LR online is worth every penny. For the price and the free shipping, the investment is great. I purchased some over the net for my initial set-up and it worked great. It must be cured so it is best to use it to cycle a new system rather than adding it to an exsisting established one. But for the money it is worth it......IMO