uncured v/s dried live rock?



What would be the different between uncured live rock and live rock that has been left out of the water (dried out)? The reason that I ask is because I have found dry fiji rock @ 2.00 per pound and wondering if I should get it. I don’t know anything about it other than it is dry.


Active Member
with uncured rock you can have alot of die off and kick off another cycle and probably kill everything in your tank...if any. Dry rock (depending on how dry) is pretty much just base rock and it'll be fine. If you get cured rock, you have to let it sit for a while in a separate tub or tank that does not have any inhabitants to let it cure.


I would most definitely clean it and treat it like it was uncured live rock, nothing goes into my tank without testing and some sort of rigmarole
. But how is uncured live rock able to hang on to the hitchhikers and other forms of live?


Active Member
that's a good question that I don't have a good answer for. I would assume that they are just more hardy than others. just a theory, I've never really messed with uncured LR.


Active Member
when i set up my tank ( a 55) i used about 50lbs of dead (dry) LR and like 10 lbs of the LR from LFS.(dead stuff way cheaper.) The dead rock is seeded by the LR and sorta becomes LR, dosen't have any life on it to start with though.


Active Member
This is my understanding.
Dry/ base rock= rock is completely out of water for long period and completely dry.
Uncured liverock= it is out of water but kept wet, sponges and delicate hitchhikers die off but you still have the hardy ones and a lot of bacteria. This rock will start your cycle and increase amm from die off.
cured liverock =is rock that has had time to cycle in saltwater and grow bacteria, Kept in water or only out for very short amount of time so life doesn't die off. This is what you have in your tank after cycle or you get out of a mature tank and keep it in water for transfer.

Don't know if that is as clear as mud.


Originally Posted by mcbdz
This is my understanding.
Dry/ base rock= rock is completely out of water for long period and completely dry.
Uncured liverock= it is out of water but kept wet, sponges and delicate hitchhikers die off but you still have the hardy ones and a lot of bacteria. This rock will start your cycle and increase amm from die off.
cured liverock =is rock that has had time to cycle in saltwater and grow bacteria, Kept in water or only out for very short amount of time so life doesn't die off. This is what you have in your tank after cycle or you get out of a mature tank and keep it in water for transfer.

Don't know if that is as clear as mud.

That was Awesome
That explained everything perfectly. Thank you
and knowing this, I now know that I do not want to by this rock.