Uncurred LR to cycle a 90 gallon


I'd like to think about starting my tank with about 100 lbs of uncurred live rock. Thus I have a few questions/concerns.
1) Will the smell from the die off be 'terrible'. Think coming from a woman's view because my wife isn't to thrilled about the whole idea in the first place. The tank will be in a recently finished basement.
2) Will I have a lot more life on the uncurred rock than I would on the curred rock? Since both curred and uncurred will have to go through the cycle anyway (somethings will die) then shouldn't I have more hitchikers and critters on the uncurred?
3) It's cheaper.
Any other comments or things I should consider with uncurred LR?


New Member
I cured 90 pounds of marshall rock. and it' wasnt that bad. You need a good protein skimmer and power head to curculate the water. For the first week I changed the water every day 10 to 20%. The smell wasn't that bad, my wife wasn't to excited about it also. Make sure that you clean the rock as good as possible. Before you put it in your tank put it in very salty water and that helps clean it. I bought mine from Jeffs exotic fish in LA. I think that they have it for pretty cheap still.

blue oasis

Originally Posted by bstanford
I cured 90 pounds of marshall rock. and it' wasnt that bad. You need a good protein skimmer and power head to curculate the water. For the first week I changed the water every day 10 to 20%. The smell wasn't that bad, my wife wasn't to excited about it also. Make sure that you clean the rock as good as possible. Before you put it in your tank put it in very salty water and that helps clean it. I bought mine from Jeffs exotic fish in LA. I think that they have it for pretty cheap still.
Like you we are also looking into buying LR from Jeff. We just purchased a 90gal drilled and was thinking about buying 40lbs of Marshall uncurred and 50lbs of deep water Tonga uncurred and some small curred Marshall to add up to total of 110lbs.
I was also wondering about curing the rock in the tank. Do you clean it off once it arrives from the airport and with what type of water tap or salt?
We are going to purchase the euro 6-1 skimmer and still debating about the wet/dry with the bio balls or white sock.
We are also going to purchase 100lbs of Tonga LS from his as well.
We have been reading everyone reponses and looks like if you decide to cure the LR in your tank you must do 20% water changes everyday.
Any input on thoughts we would appricate as we are going to buy and place the oder this week 10/26/05.
N & G