understanding spouse



My husband thinks I'm crazy b/c of my love for this hobby. I have a 30g at work that I stare at all day. I think I'm going to set up a 10g FOWLR tank at the house to see if I can reel him in with me. Are all spouses this way?
it depends. i've owned my tank before we were married w/ lotsa kids (5) and i was finally able to get it up and running. since november, i have been able to acquire lighting,l/r, additives, etc. At first, she did not like the fact that i was spending $ on a hobby (even though for months she kept telling me i needed to get it going..sheeesh) but eventually she came around and realizes that its good for the kids to look at and now occassionally she will tell me something that she has learned.. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


my wife thought i am crazy spending thousands on some fish, but it's in my office i stare at it a whole day it relaxes me i enjoy it. i spend more on her jewlery she likes that i like this.


It is my hobby, but when I need help he is there to help. ( Of Coarse he tells me I owe him)He will sometimes even go with me the lfs. I think it scares him when he goes(He then gets an idea on how expensive it can be, but on the other hand he also sees the beauty of saltwater) He does not mind my hobby as long as the bills are paid on time and he has money for his hoppy also (68 camaro).
He enjoys the final picture, to sit back and relax and watch the tank. I enjoy getting my hands in. :D


When I started my 75 gal a year ago, my girl did not understand the facination, but she lets me get away with a lot. A year later, she knows enough about the tank to keep things going during a power failure(do a search in reef forum:Three cheers for my girlfriend) She also frequents this BB, and probably knows almost as much as me about the hobby. Her 5 year old son also knows the names of everything in the tank, so it's educational for him too. I've been having some serious problems with my back and neck lately, and she knows it. I came home from work a couple of weeks ago, and she had cleaned the inside glass for me. Whatta woman!!!!Just one of the many reasons I'm making her my wife!
Oh yeah, if all else fails, I got her a Mercedes, and that helped to take the heat off me for a while ;)


When i started my tank, my wife was kinda out of shape with me about spending that much money, but as it progressed she saw the beauty of it all and now she has her very own tank to deal with and she informed me for her birthday she wants a new bigger tank .... so just have patience and keep the faith, for they will come around to the beauty :D


My wife loves this hobby, and is willing to spend as much as I am. She knows about every invert, and fish, but is not interested in the mechanics of it all. Problem is there is no one to temper our spending. The first time this cost us a lot on the credit card. This time we spend only cash.
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
ROTFLOL, the origin of my name(fsh hub(hubby))
i must be the goofy one, i was that OTHER spouse, this was originally my wifes hobby(i did not worry about the money too much), and after she lost a lot of fish due to some very poor advice and guidance from the lfs, she started to ask me all kinds of questions (some i could not answer, even if i wanted to), so i wound up either doing it or finding answers for her, she got almost affraid to do anythign or make any calls(h2o tests werre easy for me, i used to work with water conditioning and also pools and spas, public ones too), anyhow , i heard a little too much of:
HOW, WHY, WHAT ABOUT AND WHEN'S?? all leading to me putting my arms into the tank to make sure it was done, (LOL) and before i knew it, i was a junkie
and now she says"boy i thought this was gonna be my hobby but you are even more into it than me", SO NOW WE ENJOY IT TOGEHTER
My wife never got into the hobby like I did so I chose to use tactical maneuvering. Here is something that actually worked for me...
I went and bought a really colorful fish (Picasso Trigger) and brought it home. I called for my wife to see it and she reluctantly came out to see yet another boring fish. I asked her "This fish is beautiful, and it is only fitting that a beauty such as you name it". She did, and since then she constantly sits by the tank watching "her" fish....I know it may sound stupid, but hey..it WORKED hehe


New Member
My wife has been really supportive (also as long as the bills are paid ... ;) ) She really likes the final results and wants a bigger tank when we finally finish paying some interest free purchases off and getting some more furniture. She won't touch the tank, though, especially live brine shrimp <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> , so it's strictly my hobby.
Also, my six month old loved the clown before it passed on - now she has a yellow tang and purple psuedo to look at!!


My wife was the same.....didn't like me spending so much money. Then she saw our oldest son climbing onto the couch and chairs to look at the tank. Then it was all o.k. I was even instructed to set up the 40g in his room, he has a baby marine betta, sally crab, lr, and one mushroom. Now he helps me feed and do maint. He's only 16months, but he points out all the fish when I feed, gets to add top off water and splash sump water everywhere. He loves to add supplements in the sump. Anyone else dose cordless phones? Binkies? Shoes? And what is the correct dosing for milk from a tippy cup? :D


Active Member
My girlfriend, soon to be wife, at first thought okay .... a fish tank in the family room, that's cool. She moved in with me around that time.
Set up a simple 55 gallon tank with the basics.
Of course then came the "need" ;) for a protein skimmer, more live rock, bigger clean-up crew, new lighting, corals, another fish, more corals .... you know the drill.
So, I set up a 30 gallon long for her. Her tank. Although I do all the maintenance on it, she gets to make decisions on what goes in it, and we work on it together. That really seemed to help out in the begining.
Of course then came the "need" for a larger tank. So the 55 comes down and the 75 goes up. She gets the 55 for her freshwater angelfish. Her tank again.
I get the 75 for me.
She thinks I'm nuts sometimes, but then again she said to me "it's your hobby, you're home either working on the tanks or talking with saltwater friends online, you're spending a lot of money but you could be spending it on other things, and running around getting into trouble."
I said to her one day, that it never ends - that this hobby is part fish/coral keeping, and part tinkering and experimenting with hardware and different methods.
So she has learned to accept this interest of mine, sees me enjoying it, and knows I love it.
Pretty understanding woman.


I think I got all of ya beat. My wife likes the end result of the tanks, but doesnt care about the mechanics of how everything works. She likes to go to the lfs and pick things out. This is one of the only hobbys that we both enjoy together. She is the greatest. I am in the military and am not home all the time. When I am gone, she takes over and does all the maintence for me. Only once have I been gone and lost a fish and that was about two years ago.
She now wants me to set up an old 55 gallon we have to be "her" reef tank. It is the least I can do for her.
I got the argument...."You got to spent that much money on some lousy fish and shrimp...*I* get a big screen TV!"
Needless to say 8 months later we are now the proud owners of a 50" HDTV and I get to spend more money on lighting :)


My fiance is kinda on the fence. She wants me to get another fish, but when I buy more lighting or corals, she just gives me the stare down! <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
I guess I'm really lucky, when we set up our first salt tank, it was a gift for Christmas from my hubby. We both wanted to get into this hobby, I get alot of looks from him when we go to a lfs only because I spend way to much. Our last trip a few months ago we left the store $500.00 poorer. We are going to a lfs tomorrow in Anchor Bay, I need some supplys and maybe a coral or two, oh yeah, I want a new fish for the 30 gal too! <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" /> Can't wait, dropping the kiddys off at grandmas to free up space in the car...Lisa <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />