ok back from Movies now I can finish posting the rest....the camera I'm using is an Pentax Opitio waterproof digital.
rthomas40 thanks your made me blush
ok but it not the best looking by far, I am very slow I add one little thing at a time. But I am ready to spead things up a bit, and get 3 or 4 new goodies at a time just so I can start to fill in all those boring spots. My tank has been a Fish only for just over 3 years and now just this year stepping towards adding my first corals.
just over a year, he has a 16+ spread, he was just so cute at 5 little inches when I brought him home. His name is "Maytag" though he has not "tagged" any fish I know he may one day so that is how he got his name Maytag.
is he a S. hadonni? And those "little bits" you have added are stunning! Have been trying for two years to get colors like those. Here in Wyoming the lfs hasn't got a clue!