undewater filter

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
We'll differ on that one

for me it depends. If you had a big fish only with predators, I could not agree more...
But if you have what is effectively a nano which will have a low fish load, I think the benefit would be from more live rock.
In a small tank, going in to clean that filter regularly (and if it has floss would need to be often) could be very disruptive and stressful.
But it is definitely based on the hobbyist and the tank and finding what works best

My point of view is in a nano the surface area of the amount of live rock where you have your nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria colonizing is limited, It cannot come close to the area of the multifaceted media you can put into this type of filtration system. If he is not using this filter now,I am guessing he has some way of mechanical filtration so he can use all the chambers for bio filtration with very little maintenance


am using the bio cubes filtration, but n adding this other filter I thought I could help in making the water look clearer


Originally Posted by gil5280
am using the bio cubes filtration, but n adding this other filter I thought I could help in making the water look clearer
And they do I had a fluval +1 layed down in the back of a bio cube with carbon pads...I just had it were it was easy to get to and kept it clean. With the amount of lr you have in there alittle help will not hurt and the added flow is a plus.