undulate triggers


I don't have one, or plan on having one. But, my two friends have 1. One has one with a clown triggerfish, and a panther grouper. The other has it with, niger trigger, a clown trigger, and a snowflake eel. Nice lookin fish, but with there aggresiveness, I wouldn't trust one.


i had an undulate at one time. I put him with a bigger clown trigger, and he was nothing but problems! they look cool, but they sure are mean!


Active Member
They like the Queen are a great fish to have if you can give them their own tank. They become hand tame if one makes the effort but they hate other fish in close quarters like most tanks.


i have one in a 30g with a snowflake eel. I KNOW I KNOW, the tank is too small for them both, the eel is moving to the big dance soon, my 200g. I have watched my undulate, in the 2 or so years i have had him, eat anything, i mean ANYTHING, and just like everyone else says, he (or she) is mean as hell. He has attacked the eel, by power heads, killed any attempt at a tankmate i have made in the past. KEEP THEM ALONE!
i would have to disagree with mark stupid remarks. we read and post remarks to educate people through experience we have gone through not because of the books or gossip that is spread around. why would you post a remark you have no experince in?? i have learned that triggers are hardy enough to cycle tanks shared my experience and read of other people doing it here. i love triggers and will be glad to help someone interested in them and want to learn from my experiences. All triggers are very aggressive due to the fact that in the wild they own a wide area of reef. they constantly eat and look for food throughout the day. so if you get a full grown undulate and put him in a tank with other fish he will eat them because it is in his nature to. they attack other fish because they are hungry or if they are invading their territory. All triggers in my opinion are very aggressive. so if you get a small undulate and train him to know that you are the source of food it is very possible to keep undulates with other fish.
believe me i would love to hav the undulated in the tank with other fish but there are just too mean maybe when they are small but once they figure out that the other fish are scared it is over i hav had 4 of these fish and each and every one has killed everything put with them i had one bite a heater and crack it also ate thru air lines, if it works for you good but not all hav the same luck with this fish :D


I can honestly say, that I have never heard of someone 'training' a trigger to be tame. It is a part of their nature and how they have adapted to their envrionment. Saying that you can 'train' an undulate trigger is like saying you can make Charlie Mason a model citizen. It just doesn't work like that. I'm not the only person on this board that has to wonder, what the heck are you thinking? Everyone else on this board and any that I've met that has kept an undulate seems to share the common idea to keep undulates alone. But if by all means you have some supernatural power to control the behavior of fish. That must be great, you should write a book. Also most fish have extremely short memories, not much longer than 5 to 9 seconds depending on the species and size of fish. So Undulates are just a type of fish that, simply put, SHOULDN"T BE KEPT WITH OTHER FISH in home aquariums. But one one these days when you complain on how your undulate just killed a fish, you can't say we didn't warn you.
all triggers are very aggressive. and if you get it small you can have tankmates just as long as it is introduced last.. you train them to eat frozen foods when they eat everything alive in the wild. ive seen them aggressively atack fish that are newly introduced no matter what size it is. in my other posts i showed pictures of an undulate and a huma in a reef. can you please explain that. that post went against everything i have read and heard. if well fed and given the space it is possible....


New Member
I have an undulated trigger and a huma huma in the same tank along with a damsel and a type of puffer. The two triggers do at times rumble but mostly stay to themselves. I would be interested in knowing what others are feeding their triggers.


Since no one else is going to mention it I will...did you say that you can cycle a tank woth a trigger fish? You do realize that is terrible for the fish right? I'm hoping you meant that you COULD but not that you SHOULD.
I have had Niger and Picasso's in the past and present, the fish I've had havn't been overly agressive at all, but that doesn't mean that they can't be. Although I've never seen him attack another fish my Picasso will bite me ever chance he gets...he defintially knows where his food comes from. :D


My friend's friend is a trigger maniac, I guess. He has one Undulate Trigger, three Picasso Trigger, one Clown Trigger, and also two Damsels, altogether in the same tank. So I guess you can put an undulate trigger with other fishes.
About a trigger being tame, I don't know for sure, but my friends has a Picasso Trigger and it's in a way tame. It killed cleaner shrimp and crab, but those are invertebrates. And everyone knows that trigger and invertebrates are not the best combination. Anyway, since my friend bought it, she never feed it anything but brine shrimp, probably that's what causes it to be tame. If you feed them life food, for example goldfish since they're little probably that'll be different story, because I once read that once a triggerfish bite something alive (other fishes), it'll keep doing it. But I don't know, probably that only applies with Picasso Trigger.


ive never had any type of trigger that hasnt shown some kind of aggression. They will all bite other fish if they are threatoned, and will never stop doing it. That characteristic is why some people love to keep triggers. Theyre great!
i never meant they can be tame. but they can be in a tank with other fish is the point im trying to make. people say they kill everyother fish in the tank. ALL triggers are aggressive!!!!!!i just think there aggression is overated.