undulate triggers


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
I have a soon to be empty 75, would this be enough to house an undy for the long haul?
IMO they would make a great single specimen in a 75 Hammer....Undys are of course Nasty, but not very big for a Trigger. They are beautiful, hardy, and very entertaining.


Active Member
I have just started researching them, I have kept triggers before, not an undy though, I also think it would make a good species only tank


Active Member
i hv 2 niger triggers in my 150 fowlr. the r very tame. in fact, they hide inside their holes all the time. i hv tangs, a damsel, gramma and some smaller fish in there.


I've had mine for a couple years now and she's living a solitary life. Definately a fish kept in a "species" tank or with much much larger aggressive tankmates. In due time when they approach 10-12" things would definately change for the worse.


Originally Posted by Titan
I've had mine for a couple years now and she's living a solitary life. Definately a fish kept in a "species" tank or with much much larger aggressive tankmates. In due time when they approach 10-12" things would definately change for the worse.

What size tank???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
I've had mine for a couple years now and she's living a solitary life. Definately a fish kept in a "species" tank or with much much larger aggressive tankmates. In due time when they approach 10-12" things would definately change for the worse.

Beautiful Undy there Titan,
how big is he?


Hey Titan, how are your two ladies getting along these days?

Haven't been posting much, but saw you post on the undy thread, and well, given our last conversation
...haven't heard of any home aquaria owner feeding his wife to an undy hitting the headlines...

Yours hasn't grown much either huh? Ours is still the chick sh*t she always was. All is still well with the 2 amigos y amiga. = 3 Amigos

She and the pinktail got into a pretty good rowl about a year ago, but nothing major since. She still chases the picasso, and he still is too quick.
Good to see your lady doing so well.


i have a 180 gal have a clown, 2 undulated (one 5 inchez)3 nigers,1 retanglous,4 eels 2 puffers,panther grouperred tail grouperand 3 humahuma s and i almost 4 got 2 wrasp just buy weeker fish 4 the undulates 2 pick on lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
i have a 180 gal have a clown, 2 undulated (one 5 inchez)3 nigers,1 retanglous,4 eels 2 puffers,panther grouperred tail grouperand 3 humahuma s and i almost 4 got 2 wrasp just buy weeker fish 4 the undulates 2 pick on lol
Really brilliant stuff there, you are inspiration to all of us in the aquatic hobby.
I have a Retanglous too