Undulated Question


I currently have 125 gallon tank with a Lion fish (juvenille) I want to add a trigger, I was thinking maybe someday to have a Clown Trigger, my Lion and somethingelse, I have seen several Undulated Triggers at my lfs and their beligerence is legendery, but they are nice looking trigger. Now I know that I cant add a big trigger in there with the Lion still small but I am willing to wait, are they that much of a hassle? just kinda wondering? Can two triggers exist without killing eachother ? everything I have read says they should be alone when they mature , let me know . Thanks everyone... :)


New Member
my husband and i have a clown trigger and a black hawaiian trigger (both about 6 to 7 inches) in a community tank with angels, wrasses,tangs, and several other species including a heniochus butterfly and they all get along just fine. but they are also in a 500gallon tank. i think the thing to remember about triggers is that their territory needs to be a large one or they will start taking other fish out to make room for themselves.


As was said before, when the mature there is no telling what will happen, a clown and undulated are two of the meanest triggers, my guess would be it would not work, but there is always a chance it will. Good Luck


I am thinking maybe one of the other... I really want to take a shot with the Undulated, just to see if I can get one that won't go bannanas when he is mature, I am thinking of purchasing a 75 gal
when the time comes, and keeping it on stand by incase he descides to destroy everything...Well what do you think of my Lion, a small Undulated a small Clown and a Niger? Just for a while and then maybe move the Undulated if he gets beligerent ?


You can do two--but put them in together and last.and on the small side.
No more than 2 regardless of species. In other words don't get too trigger happy.!!lollol :D :D :D


Thanks all I think i am gonna give it a chance and see how it goes !! I'll keep you up to date ! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


New Member
I think they'll do fine, i have a lion fish, huma huma trigger (undulated), porcupine puffer, and a yellow tang. And a rare eel, i forget the name, and havent been able to find any information about it on the net, i had it shipped from hawaii. Its a deep maroon with gold stripes. They all live fine together. the trigger and the tang seem to have a bond together, they will swim side by side around the whole tank.