Undulated Trigger


I just bought an Undulated Trigger a few days ago. He is eating from day 1 and is very shy. I know that they will get VERY aggressive, but is there any possibilty that i will be able to keep him with Tangs, Large Angels, ect? Or do you 100% reccomend me trading him in or selling him right away? Thanks

my way

Active Member
BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!!!! I bought a 1" Undy that was very passive in the tank at the LFS it even had a Mandarin as a tank mate, so stupid me, I think wow a gentle Undy. I buy him and he claims some territory in my then 150 and attacks everything that goes near his "home" he eventually ate the eyes out a12" Queen Angel which died about a week later. Needless to say I was heartbroken and back to the LFS went the Undy.


Now that you've had a couple opinions don't get the fish to know you're going to get rid of it. Instead set-up a species only tank, and keep your Undy 4 life. I'm very fortunate my lovely lady has more the female personality rather than the male Undulates. Never hides, or lurks always active, I'm very lucky.


Active Member
He'd be great in the 240! Probably the only fish (you takes your chances with anything else, IMO) but a spectacular one!!


ooooooooooooooooooooo you're bad Titan
ooooooohhh soooooooooo baaaad
My man won't get rid of his either

Men and their monsters

william c

underated trigers are one of the meanest salt water fish there is they may be fine for a month or two but if you care for your other fish do not put them in with a undelated they will kill just about anything that swims


Originally Posted by william c
underated trigers are one of the meanest salt water fish there is they may be fine for a month or two but if you care for your other fish do not put them in with a undelated they will kill just about anything that swims

Off topic, we'll be drinkin green beer at McNally's tonight in STC.


whats more aggressive a clown trigger or a undy im not sure and was just wondering


New Member
I know for a fact that the Undulated is the meanest fish in the trigger family,blue linned being a close second and the clown being third.I bought one also and was warned,he was cool with my clown,niger,huma,tusk and for about 2 weeks and then it was go time.MY undy and clown just went at it like a UFC champsionship fight.I actually heard them fighting in the next room,knocked over rocks.He tore a chunk of flesh out of my clown trigger(kosmo).
Clown survived after 2 months of healing.So out he went to LFS and that was that.I also has a blue linned for a few months and same thing fighting with everyone.So he had to go.Its a shame but the undy and Blue linned have amazing coloring and are very cool fish in there own right.If you have an Undy get either really big tank he will rule it regardless or by themselves.Good luck!


Your forgetting the rule of quality not quanity of fish here guys! My trigger, affectionately known as "Undies" is the best fish I have ever owned! He is a tank by himself and always/will be. Despite the fact that I can't furhter utilize the tank he has more personality and intelligence than a tank full of reef fish in my opinion. The range of behaviour is amazing! Destructive to a fault, but guys seriously how many people can say that their fish will only respond to one or two people? If anyone else bar myself or bf go to feed him he won't have a bar of it until they step away. If food is not forthcoming on the dot of 7pm then he starts to swim up and down the tank putting his trigger fin up in anger. Show me a fish with more personality and brains and then I'll listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!