

Active Member
I have a Palau locale undulate...but he's in his own tank. IMO, they are the best looking trigger out there, but for the most part, need their own tank. What size tank do you have? Any other fish in it? Bo


i have an undulate 3.5 incher living with a 3 inch tomato clown peacefully...who knows how long it will last though


I have a undulated about 2.5 to 3". He gets along fine with his tank mates. Check out his friends below, in my taank specs. Beware at feeding time though...make sure his mates can either escape quick or defend itself.
My undulated is just starting to get along with his newest tankmate...the lunar. I think the Lunar just makes him nervous swimming in its acrobatic type motions.


I think my undulated ate my niger, Could this be???
Cant find my niger anywhere. They were about the same size..
Just had the Niger, Undulated and Yellow Tang... POOF no niger, not even a skeleton....??
anyone have an idea..
Its possible that your undalate ate your niger, but I doubt it. From my experience all triggers and specifically undalates leave some signs of the fish, unlike an eel or a grouper who would eat it whole, a trigger would attack it and eat off it, not the whole thing.
Bo- how big is your undalate, just curious and what size tank do you have him in.?


Active Member
He's small....closing in on 4". Got him about 6 months ago probably. He's in a 55 by himself with a little liverock, some baserock, and his favorite, the pcp pipe. They are awesome fish. Bo
Edit: He is actually a she...my bad