unexpected new addition


i inherited a moorish idol from a friend that made a bad decision.i was just looking for help from people who may have had one.it is eating(like a pig) everything i put in.no flamers! it was either my tank or the toilet.
my tank:
210g with 40g fuge
mag 18 return
2 1200gph powerheads
175+lbs lr
lr and sand are about a year old,i just upgraded to this tank from my 75 and 150 2 months ago.
stock list:
1 hippo
1 sailfin
1 vlamingi
1 exquiste wrasse
2 true percs
1 yellow watchman
1 mandarin
1 dragon gobie
1 lawnmower blenny
1 ficus blenny
7 chromis
various corals,crabs,snails,shrimp


Active Member
They had a good thread about it a couple months ago. I tried to find it but didn't have to much luck. Maybe some one else remembers it besides me.


Originally Posted by cwgibson
i inherited a moorish idol from a friend that made a bad decision.i was just looking for help from people who may have had one.it is eating(like a pig) everything i put in.no flamers! it was either my tank or the toilet.
my tank:
210g with 40g fuge
mag 18 return
2 1200gph powerheads
175+lbs lr
lr and sand are about a year old,i just upgraded to this tank from my 75 and 150 2 months ago.
stock list:
1 hippo
1 sailfin
1 vlamingi
1 exquiste wrasse
2 true percs
1 yellow watchman
1 mandarin
1 dragon gobie
1 lawnmower blenny
1 ficus blenny
7 chromis
various corals,crabs,snails,shrimp

:cheer: :happyfish


I wish you the best of luck. I can't offer any advice, because I couldn't back anything up with actual knowledge. All I know is that if you can keep this fish happy, it's a true testament to your dedication to the hobby. I hope we get many pictures of him for a long time.


Active Member
Good luck with the fish! They are very touchy to fluctuating water paramaters and need a lot of foods in their diet.

el bob

congrats and good luck, all i hear people say about this fish is that it is tough to keep in captivity. hope u pull it off. good luck


ive always heard getting them to eat is really hard but this guy doesnt miss a meal. does anyone know how to tell male from female?


Active Member
As a rule, Moorish Idols are not very hardy and don't do well in captivity. They are difficult to feed. They also do get large.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
try formula 2 its loaded with sponges and stuff for angels and morish idols. good luck
Actually that is Forumla 1 that has the sponges in it. Formula has spirulina, lettuce, spinach and other greens in it.
cwgibson, Either will work for the Moorish Idol. We have an Idol at the store I work at for the past 6 months. This thing eats EVERYTHING. Formula 1 and 2, brine, mysis, broken up pieces of krill, Kent Marine zoecon pellets, Prime reef flakes. I've heard of others using mussels, clams, and actually buying sponges for the Idol to eat. good luck with yours!


i took form 1,2,vhp,prime reef,clam,mysis,emerald entree,brine with spirinula chopped them in a food processor and froze it hopefully that will make a nice variation, also plan on putting some sponge trees in there for him.
how about the male vs female melly do you have any idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
i took form 1,2,vhp,prime reef,clam,mysis,emerald entree,brine with spirinula chopped them in a food processor and froze it hopefully that will make a nice variation, also plan on putting some sponge trees in there for him.
how about the male vs female melly do you have any idea.
Wish I knew!! Alot of fish are hard to --- especially tangs, most triggers, butterflies. As far as keeping him in your 210, it shouldn't be a problem. That vlamingi/unicorn will out grow your tank before he does! What quality needs to be pristine. Be careful about any fish that picks on him. I know of one account of a chromis just biting the idol's top fin and the next day the fish was dead. I am sure there were other factors, but overall I do believe they are alot more sensitive then most fish. However, the one at work had his top fin ate off by an angel or a puffer one of the two, but is now slowly growing back. Also watch for hemmoriging(sp). The food you are feeding sounds awesome!! I know ours at work eats anything and everything like crazy!! Once again good luck. Try researching a little online about sexing them.