ungraded lighting how long should I waite to add an anemone


I just got MH lighting 2x 175W HQI for my 90gal reef!

The ? is how long before I can/should add an anemone?
The tank is well cycled and all that good stuff.
Just wondering if the new lighting might cause some unbalances. Right now I running the lights only 4-5 hours then next week ad an hour and so on.
Any feed back?
Thanks Deva
oh the lighting before the up grade was PC 2x 65w 12k & 2 x 65W act. blue


1. How old is your tank?.
2. monitor tank temperature to check temp swing. you will not want a big variance over a 24hr period.
3. is your tank layered? having different shelf height so that the anemone can move slightly upward or downward. you can rest assured it will move to where it wants to be.


the tank has been a reef 4 about 7months.
the temp swings between (76)-at night to 81 (day)
and yes my tank is layered I think an anemone will find a nice home.
plz keep the feed back coming.


Great! my temp does the exact same swing. I run 2-150w HQI's (12.5k) for 9.5hrs/day and introduced my RBTA when tank was about six months old. It acclimated very well and almost doubled in size over a few weeks. I did not decrease lighting time or anything. I probably would put him in after the MH's go off for the night so that he can get water adjusted first. Good Luck!


Active Member
id say go for it. just make sure you acclimate the anemone to the light ecspecially if you get it from a dumb LFS like mine where they keep them under NO flourecents