Unhappy giant green fussy mushroom!!!


I have a 10 gal nano reef and my giant mushroom has been all shriveled and has a lot of white fleshy stuff showing in it's center. all my leves are good and i did a water change a day ago to see if it would respond but it has not. anybody have aclue to why it may be acting wired? Also anybod know of some good inverts to eat hair alge, that stay small?
Thanks :happyfish


Active Member
What are your tank parameters?
How long has it been like this?
How long have you had it?
What you see as threads are called acontial filaments. They are basically defensive structures and may be "extruded" when the animal is threatened or under stress. I've had this happen at times - if you bump into or know them. And it can be like that for several days. But typically they will be fine after that, IME


Active Member
it will be fine they usually bounce back do uhave any hermit crabs thats what i found that stressed my mushrooms out at times


Ok, my nitrate and nitrite levels where a little high a day or so after it started it looked funny, i changed the water and it is back to normal.
I think it may be splitting. i have had it for maybe 3 months, it was about 6 inches across, and today i can see the rock under it through the gashlike area that the white fleshy stuff is. it has been like this for almost a week, the opening has gotten bigger each day.
I have seen the defense threads, i have the tank in my dorm at school and when i moved it for break all my mushrooms had threads from being held, the white stuff now seems more like it is the inside of the mushroom.
Also....diffent coral issue, my gorgaina looks like it is "shedding" a layer of skin. all the ployups are still out and it is normal color, just has thin layers of skin peeling off it. I got this one a few days ago, kinda an impulse buy ( i know bad me) and i havent had a chance to do any real research about it.
Thanks for all your help. :happyfish


I have hairy mushrooms that have a white film or stringy thing that comes out of them when I hit them on accident or try to frag them.


does anyone have a picture of a mushroom splitting? so i could compare and see if that is waht is happening?
Thanks :happyfish