Unhappy Toadstool??


Just got a Toadstool last Saturday. It was open Saturday and Sunday, then Monday he didn't opened and started to appear matte in finish. He may be shedding to clean himself? How long does this usually last? Never owned one before and am pretty new to reefing...
Also, I've read in a few different placed that Toadstools like lots of current and others have said minimal current? Same goes for lighting. Right now, I placed him near the top of the LR with an average amount of waterflow... He's getting the brunt of 500W of MH lights. Could he be burning?
Lastly, I noticed that my Decorator Crab perched in the Toadstool last night and picked at something for almost 4hrs. However, after he was done, I didn't notice any holes or anything.... Good? Bad?