Unicorn Tang, mystery spot?


Hi all! My unicorn is developing a white spot above his eye. No it is not ich. It is more like a little cluster that looks, really like a peice of dried up salt from the lid of the tank. Only I know that is not what it is because, it has been there for a couple days now. Other than that, she seem perfectly fine, eating and active. All other fish in the tank are fine as well. Does anyone know what this could be? Should I treat it with anything? Thanks!


ok, so I have been reading that all that is needed is a helthy diet, and vitamins and she should heal up on her own? Is there anything else I can do for her?


I have an angel that had lymphocystis. The only thing you can do for them is keep their stress down, feed them excellent food, and keep your water conditions pristine. My angel cleared up in about 6 weeks and hasn't showen any signs of it since. :)


Active Member
If it is lymph (or HLLE - what I initially thought), then yes, remove the stress. Poor diet, bad water quality, aggressive fish could all cause it. Use extra vitamins in his food, and feed him smaller portions more often through the day so that he eats more and gets more vitamins in his system.