unidentified shrimp?????


hey i just saw a critter in my tank. he skurried from one extremity of my tank to the other in 2 sec flat. i caught a glimpse of him. he looks like a green shrimp, half an inch long and 90% of his body is tail. ive heard of mantis shrimp, but im not sure what this guy is. please let me know. im not sure what good it will do because it will be impossible to find him again, but ill sleep a bit easier if it is just a docile loner shrimp.


new rock? look for the tell tale bulging eyes they really do look like a mantis. I don't know of any good shrimp thats a greenish color.


Have you heard any clicking coming from your tank? Does it look like this?
NOTE: this is not my pic just something I grabbed off the net.....


That's a mantis shrimp. Not something you want in your main tank but can be very interesting in a tank of it's own....


so any suggestions on getting him outta there. i was loosing fish, and in the morning some had little bite marks on them, and then they would die the next night. (all juveniles)


Active Member
Find were he is staying and put him in a really low SG water and flush him out sometimes it works sometimes it dont. If he is in a rock with nothing on it take it to your LFS trade him and the rock for a new rock.


Active Member
Get a small plastic soda bottle. Cut the top off where the bottle stops tapering and is the same width of the bottle. Invert this section and duct tape it into place. Put a small piece of seafood in there and leave it in the tank overnight.


thanks mud. i will try that tonight. is that how you caught your shrimp before re arranging your tank? i think i remember that.
did you use duct tape inside the tank?

who dey

Active Member
don't know much about a mantis's personality or how often they show themselves. but if you know the rock he hid'es in. siphon's work wonders for sucking unwanted bas**$ds out of LR. i was fortune to grab an unidentified hitchiker out of a friends tank that would have never been retrieved with a net or hands etc... works great with quick hiders!!!!


thanks i need all the help i can get. i put a bunch of tiny (domino) damsels in the tank the other day, and man im missing one a day(or so) i cant see it being anyone but this guy. :mad:


Active Member
The most disturbing thing I've witnessed in my aquarium was a Mantis Shrimp in action. They are amazingly well adapted predators.


DragonFli, here's another thing you can try if you know which rock the mantis is hiding in.
Take the rock out and do a freshwater dip. Mantis are tough SOB's and they can live inside a rock out of the water for weeks. A freshwater dip will cause them to leave the rock.


i also heard a high gravity dip works without killing everything as an extended fresahwater dip would.. 1.045 or so
anyone else confirm this?


Active Member
Personally, I would try "mud's" suggestion before taking out rock and dipping it either way. Its less disruptive and always worth a shot. It also gives me another chance to show off some of my "abstract" artwork (available framed and signed for a small price) :D


Active Member
:D Ain't it though? For your compliments, tell you what, you can print that baby out without fear of copyright infringement. Knock yourself out

Anyway, its worked for me several times but with skunk cleaner shrimp mostly.


Shall I tell you about my mantis experience? Well, when I first got my live rock (first time saltwater) I had a mantis in there. At the time I thought he was pretty cool and I even used to feed him by hand!! LOL!! God I was naive!! He was a smasher type...that means that he would take out anything with a shell but he left the fish alone. At first I kinda didn't mind, but then he killed a bunch of stuff and I finally figured out that he had to go. The first thing I tried was a mantis trap I bought at the LFS. Baited it, set it, figured I'd have me a mantis in the morning. Too bad that my green brittlestar wanted that bait too. Lost an arm in there....I figured that the brittlestar would learn not to do that again, but by the third night I had to stop using the trap as the brittlestar was running out of legs. Then I tried the "take the rock out" method. The bad thing about that was the rock that was "his" was the biggest rock, a base rock and it was a terrible pain to get it out. But I did it. Took it outside and flushed the rock with tap water, then left the rock to bake in the sun for hours. Scrubbed and flushed the rock again, and put it back in the tank. The next morning I saw the mantis, and he gave me a dirty look. I took the rock back out again, this time I flushed it with a calcium supplement. Ever have that stuff come in contact with an open cut? Hurts like crazy and it should have burned that mantis but that didn't work either. Then I tried a medicine for fish (can't remember which it was exactly) but it said on the bottle "harmful to inverts". I took all my other inverts out of the tank, removed the fish and dosed the tank. At this point I didn't care what I might hurt on the rocks, I just wanted this shrimp gone. Two days later I cleaned up the tank, did a water change and all that, and put all the corals and snails back in the tank. I was so confident that I had done the deed.....
Next morning I caught a glimpse of him. Looked really healthy too.
I finally had to declare a truce...and for the next year or so, I would provide snails or the occasional hermit for him to eat and he would let me.
When we moved, I changed my 55g over to saltwater too, and decided to put the mantis rock in there with the yellow tang and the lionfish. On the first day in there, the mantis came out to look over his new domain and the lionfish crept up on him and shwwwoooshhh in one quick movement he had done what I could not do!!
So, my suggestion to you is either dedicate a tank to this animal as they are rather unique, or get yourself a lionfish or trigger. :joy:
Good luck and if you get it out alive, post it for sale over on -- in the mantis forum....people will actually PAY for one of these!!


Active Member
It is a really well designed diagram lol. Heck im just glas someone els uses paint lol. A mantis whould be a really cool for a species only tank they are pretty awsome being able to break glass or split your finger open before you even know it moved!!!


well he is in there alright. but i figured out that he is ohly klilling my hermits. i found out by a supposed friend that he put a sea snake into my tank while i was gone. didnt tell me right away, so i assumed. so ill try to get himout but i aint touching nothin until i find the sea snake burried in the sand....(if you care for the whole story go to my other post sea snake!!!!!)