uniforms in schools.


i would have to say no. i live right outside dallas and there are all kinds of ppl, colors, creeds, religions. so its not gonna stop how the uniform is worn, they will just off the wall with: ones hair style, ear rings, necklaces, rings, swagga, and the way one carrys them self. then where does it stop?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
you go to school to learn not for a fasion show!!!
wear the uniform so that no one is distracted...
But granted I went to catholic school and had to wear a uniform anyway.....it's really not that bad.


I said yes.
School is for learning not a fashion show or who parents are willing to spend more money or have more money then the next kids. If I get my son K-mart clothing and kids make fun of him them how does that effect his time at school or social skills it is another thing and reason kids have problems at school. I also think it would be cheaper as a dad for me to get him a uniform rather than all different kinds of clothing. Then there would school clothes and after school clothing.
IMO it would be better for schools to do that.
Yes vote from me. I think today more parents either spend too much money trying to make their children appear better than the other kids or the opposite in that they just do not pay any attention to what their children are wearing. A dress code keeps the playing field equal for all, forces the parents to pay attention, and allows the children to cincentrate on their homework instead of their wardrobe.


Originally Posted by Squidward
I say yes for middle school. That way at least poor kids won't feel too bad about not affording the name brand clothes that the rich kids may be wearing.
maybe parents should be teaching self worth and self respect instead of the status of name brand clothing?


kids are not a number, they have a name, an idea, and individuality. Taking clothing away is one step closer to socialism. While some of the points for uniforms are valid, enforcing them in a public situation goes against everything america stands for. What is next after uniforms?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
What is next after uniforms?
Haircuts. A blue eyed student is not going to be allowed to have his head shaved (skinhead). Or kids that have cornrows in some fashion that might resemble a gang symbol. Or no long hair for males. No afro's....
Anyways, I guess to explain on my point, uniforms are like gun control. It really only effects to good students. The hoochies are still going wear their shirts unbuttoned to show off the goods, and the rich kids still are going to wear $95 Burberry polos with $200 air jordans.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
sorry alix i know you disagree with me but yes im all for them but only for the shirts and pants. i think that schools have become nothing more than an axaggerated runway for our kids and think about all the girls that you go to school with that can't find a book in the library but know where the nearest hollister is ? and also all the lgirls that dress like tramps? and the boys like thugs?

I have to agree with jenny. I changed my mind now. Can a mod change my vote to No please?

salty blues

Active Member
Coral Keeper;2751934 said:
I voted no. I hate uniforms. Even though I've been home schooled for about 4-5 years. I HATE going public schools...[/QOUTE]
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I have to agree with jenny. I changed my mind now. Can a mod change my vote to No please?

You voted no already. I seem to be confused now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by monkdaily
then where does it stop?
When they are out of school, are adults and can make somewhat intellectual decisions.
And parents can't necessarily control what the kids wear... my folks couldn't. I had lots of ways to get out of the house wearing one thing and go to school wearing something else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
kids are not a number, they have a name, an idea, and individuality. Taking clothing away is one step closer to socialism. While some of the points for uniforms are valid, enforcing them in a public situation goes against everything america stands for. What is next after uniforms?
Nobody is taking clothing away. Wear what you want after school or on the weekends. It is no different than working most jobs.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Nobody is taking clothing away. Wear what you want after school or on the weekends. It is no different than working most jobs.

a job is a choice, school isnt a choice. I guess we are in different professions. I've never had to wear the same outfit, or even shirt that someone else was wearing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
a job is a choice, school isnt a choice. I guess we are in different professions. I've never had to wear the same outfit, or even shirt that someone else was wearing.
Maybe not a uniform but many jobs have a strict dress code.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
a job is a choice, school isnt a choice. I guess we are in different professions. I've never had to wear the same outfit, or even shirt that someone else was wearing.
Well, then take it from someone who DOES where one... it's really not that important what you wear. By no means do I feel repressed or socialized. Children need to find a different way to express themselves than what their parents can afford to put on their backs.
I've always had to wear a uniform except we could have whatever pattern we wanted within guidelines... couldn't wear black.... I don't remember what else. Recently, it was changed that the lead (me) and a person I assign, have to be in hospital laundred uniforms due to the necessity of us to be in the OR.... crazy little rules about wanting to be as clean as possible when we fishing around in your unknowns.....
All I could think was "Yahoo! I don't have to wash uniforms anymore!".
So, it actually wasn't a choice... it was enforced. And ya, I guess I could train for another career but we happen to like eating...... and having cable.
I express myself in otherways.... children need to learn it's not about the clothes but about the person.
When I was young clothes really weren't important.... it was like we all had the same stuff. There was probably 2 notably rich kids, 2 notably poor kids and then a whole bunch in the middle. There is such a range in public schools now-a-days, especially with the "bussing in" programs seen here in California. Kids are constantly at odds with each other and their fights are a whole lot more serious. Gone are the days when you just had one bully to worry about in school.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Maybe not a uniform but many jobs have a strict dress code.
that is a different topic. If you are arguing for a 'better' dress code then yes i am for that, but not a uniform.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MICHAEL1972
I said yes.
School is for learning not a fashion show or who parents are willing to spend more money or have more money then the next kids. If I get my son K-mart clothing and kids make fun of him them how does that effect his time at school or social skills it is another thing and reason kids have problems at school. I also think it would be cheaper as a dad for me to get him a uniform rather than all different kinds of clothing. Then there would school clothes and after school clothing.
IMO it would be better for schools to do that.
Yes gangs and cultural issues may play a small role in certain districts, however they are not the primary reason why schools have begun to make uniforms mandatory. The reason is because of all the distractions that take away the purpose of being there... school is not supposed to be about you wanting to express yourself or dressing to fit in to a social group. It is not about who's parent's has the most money, and who has the latest Ed Hardy jeans on. Adminstrators want the concentration to be on learning. Its also about teaching kids about what is appropriate and not...especially for girls. Lastly, for disadvantaged students... it allows them to fit in with others... and they are not judged based on their clothing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I express myself in otherways.... children need to learn it's not about the clothes but about the person.
EXACTLY... So how is having the social patch that is uniforms going to teach children anything? The kids are
eventually going to have to learn that being superficial about clothes is a waste of time. For me and my school at least, by high school, we really didn't care what clothes we were wearing to an extent. Getting the latest shoes was still cool, but I wasn't going to hang myself or loose all of my friends if I wore an Arizona shirt from Target. Even back in middle school, the 'notably poor' kids still had friends and what not...