University of Central Florida


Did anyone here go to, or know some helpful hints on UCF. Or if you want to write me an alumni letter soon please let me know because I'm planning on going. So I have to apply by the end of this school year. Anyone?


Active Member
I know i pinned there 125 in a wrestling match in front of there home crowd. :yes:


well many reasons. First of all I love the state I love the temperature (i hate cold) I want to major in business and Florida has lots of great business schools. I also want to work for Corparate Disney World and I can get a business internship at disney (school credit and pay) To help get to know the people at Disney. I also want to work at Disney World (ok soo i'm a Disney kinda guy give me a break) I go to Disney every year 13 years strait now. I'm a vaction club member and I love the warm weather and palm trees. I've thought this out. :joy:


Hey...I moved down here 6 years ago from Upsate NY for the weather....Disney has a college program...doesn't pay anything...but u can get some college can do it for a semester...see if you like the area and then decide to stay if you like. As for UCF...I personally think its one of the best in the state....I sadly went to FAU down here in Boca and hated it! LOL...But I love the area in Orlando it is in...its kinda far from Disney... a GOOD 30-45 Min expecially with Orlando Traffic....Get a Job at Sea World...more fun and more fish! LOL...anywayz...any more questions on the area I can answer...let me know...I love the area....but I decided to move to the Beach here in Fort Lauderdale insted! =)


sea world is a good thought but I LOVE DISNEY and I want to be the jungle cruise guy haha. Don't worry i''m already going to do the disney college program 13 years disney experiance I can work there