unknown cause


Active Member
for some reason my clown fish has ich but its not alot. i can see it tho, i purchased a cleaner shrimp so it would clean him but he doesnt want to. i was away for 4 days and i dont know how my mom took care of him, when i came back the anemone was dissolved into the size of a qaurter, paraments good. temp is 84 and i cant figure out a way to get it down, i got a 22g tank


Active Member
I got some "No-Ich Marine" from my LFS. Kills ich and other parasites. It is reef-safe and doesn't harm any inverts so it can be added right to the display tank with no need for a hospital tank. You should check that out.


Staff member
Well, hopefully that medication will work, but plan on it not working. The most viable choices for ich treatment are listed in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum in the post on ICH. In your situation, you will need to QT all your fish, since you have a reef tank.
What lighting do you have?


Staff member
Well, I kinda think that is on the high side.
Can you quickly find another home for your anemone. I'm afraid it won't survive with that kind of low lighting.
Everyone here knows what my opinion is on the "reef safe" meds. If that doesn't work, then you will need to bite the bullet and setup a QT to treat your fish.

bang guy


Originally posted by wocka
i thought 84 would be super high temp.

Not really anything in the 80 - 84F is good for most reef organisms. So, as Beth said, 84F is on the high end. Dropping from 84F to below 82F in the same day can be stressful to the more delicate animals.
So, it's not the temp that might be the problem, but if you let the temp drop a lot at night it's very stressful.


Active Member
my 2 clowns allready died. i think im just going to have a reef tank, no fish until i can get my temp right. the temp droping for 84 to 82 wouldnt affect corals right? ive had my clowns for almost a month but what recently happened when i went away probly stressed them, i had to do 50% water change, add buffer, here where my paraments when i came home
ammonia- <.1
im going to test it today and will find out what has changed. ill keep everyone updated and hopefully i will be able to get the clowns again. during the day the temp only drops maybe 1 or 2 degrees. im not sure if thats harmfull to clownfish