Unknown Crab ID


I have some limited info, and hope the experts out there can help me out. I got a new piece of live rock today, and tonight noticed there was a critter hiding in one of the holes. All I could see were legs that looked like they belonged to a crab, but couldn't be sure. They were brownish and hairy. If I had to guess, I would say it belonged to an emerald crab, but I couldn't see the body (it's hiding deep in the rock).
What I was wondering is if people knew of other typical reef creatures with similar leg anatomy? And if there are other things it might be, are they cause for concern?
Thanks in advance!


It may be a stone crab. We have two in our rocks and we call them "hairy legs" but I don't know much:notsure: I may have a picture? Of course I have a picture......nothing but pictures!


Here is one picture, it's not the greatest but you can see the hairy little devil.
When we feed our corals, they get very active coming out and grabbing food. They are very quick! and come out at night.
Our kids like to get the flash lights at night and look for critters......we're easy!


So, that crab I was talking about finally decided to come out of his hole, and with a vengeance. He killed a nassarius snail and nearly killed my peppermint shrimp. I managed to pull the rock he was on out, and got him. I swear it looks just like an emerald crab, but with smaller pinchers and his whole body is a mottled brown, not green. He's not like the pics posted above. My camera can't get a good shot, but I'll try some more later. What should I do with him? He's evil, so I probably shouldn't give him to the LFS, nor is it advisable to release him into the wild. And killing him seems so harsh, considering he was just doing his job...
Any thoughts?


Its kind of understood that freezing an animal is the most humane way to kill it... Whatever you do dont flush it, thats just not cool at all. I vote for the large hammer or freezing method.
Call your lfs first tho, you never know what they will take back.
::starts playing taps::


Or you could just try keeping him fed, maybe the poor guy was just hungry. :notsure:
I do suggest keeping him in QT until you can properly id him.


I say bring him back to the LFS and get some $$$ for him (probably like a dollar).
OR... Maybe people like to collect miniature killer crabs... Calling all aggressive tank lovers - how about a *killer* 1 inch crab?


It's a killer allright. I caught one in my tank eating my starfish alive. You never saw live rock get moved so fast. I Qt mine until I was able to turn it loose. (I live in FL, it was Fl live rock) I also have red clinging crabs that are fine in a tank without corals. And filter feeding crabs that don't harm anything.


Hey Judy,
Did you ever find out what kind of crab it is? I'm interested in knowing a little more about it.


I can't remember. But Waterfaller ID one for someone a while back. That's how I found out about it.


I couldn't do it -- I couldn't kill the crab. I have it in my fuge right now and hopefully will be able to take it back to my LFS and they can kill it (or sell it)...


It was a gorilla crab. I had mine in my qt for a couple months. They are meat eaters. I would throw some of my seafood mix in every few days. They are kind of neat. I think I still have two little ones in my 55, but until they get some size, they are too hard to get out of the rocks.