Unknown Crab ~ Take a LQQK


New Member
Hey, does anyone know what this crab is? I found it deep in one of my rocks. I was wanting to know if he is a threat to my reef, or is a good thing. Here's a link to the site. Please check it out~
? Crab?


New Member
Kewl, so it's a cartoon crab. Is there a scientific name for that?
Would like a lil' more info.

nm reef

Active Member
Sorry....I can't id that critter for ya....but there are folk here that can......good way to find out.....posting a pic like that....wish I was able to do it.....I've got a few ID ??????also..........good luck.....


How big is it? Do you have any acropora? If it is very small, it looks like the same little crab that came in my my blue acropora head. However, many things can look alike.
I have a shrimp I am trying to get ID'ed.


it looks like an anemone crab or a kind of decorator crab/// just keep an eye on him! if you have an anemone in the tank he will surly go to it if it is that type of crab!!!! or it may be a porcelin crab... all of these are ok in a reef.....


New Member
I have had two of these little guys in my tank for about tree months. They are shy, like to hide in crevaces, and ony eat stuff off the live rock. They seem to help clean. I have never noticed them bothering any corals or reef dwelers. Hope this helps.


Thanks Sammy - what I have read is that they are harmless. Have you read or heard differently? It has been in the tank for a while and seems to keep itself to the coral head. So far so good!


New Member
Thanks for all the info. He does seem to keep to himself. He's made a hole in one of the rocks and hides out there. The past few months I've heard the clicking noise in the tank. I thought I must have had a mantis or pistol shrimp. But, maybe it's this crab. And if it is the crab, what's the noise he's making? I guess I'll leave him be. Kinda cute lil' guy.