In my 40g tank with 75lb. of lr and 90 lb. of ls there is a small (not much more than an inch) clam like thing in my two month old tank. It is green and usually is open a lot. It does move or something moves it. I have seen it closed an open. It is green and has brown small haris (like the ones on emerald crabs) on its open front (on the front on the top and bottom of its mouth) and the back of it iI believe has no hair. Could this be killing my scarlets? My hermits disappear and then I see there bodies with their back ripped open and the insides eaten out and then later (like in a couple of days) the body is torn to pieces and just the claws and legs are left. I am not sure why they are disappearing and showing up dead. I have four theories. #1 They die because of my parameters could be unsafe (I am getting new test kits because the ones I have currently don't work well). #2 My emerald crabs are killing them and they are eaten by scavengers (although I have never seen an emerald crab be hostile towards the hermits or anything else). #3 The unkown "clam" some how might be eating them. #4 A while ago I bought one hermit from the lps and it was not a scarlet hermit but it was small and my scarlets are bigger. Well I will just wait here for your feedback. Thanks.