Unknown creatures in green star polyp?


I have a tank I just started about 2 months ago. I placed a GSP in it about two weeks ago and everything seemed to be going fine. You can see by the pics below that the GSP is in two main sections. The top section closed up a few days ago and hasn't opened up since. I then noticed some little creatures crawling around the top of it, as well as the other section. I also had noticed a gel like structure sticking up from the middle of one of the sections. When looking back at older pics, that structure was present when I bought it. I have placed links to a few pics that show the full and close ups from the front and the side. The close up from the side shows one of the creatures perched on the gell structure.
Also, can you advise what the red thing is on the the bottom of the closed section. It is viewable on the Front-Full pic. It seems to have grown some, kind of in a bulb like shape.
I would appreciate any info about these two things and wether or not they need to be removed and how.
Thank You!!
Mike Busby
Front-Close Up
Side-Close Up


I still would like to get some info on what this thing is growing in my GSP. Since I first posted, the GSP has been doing very good. Until this am, it has been fully opening everyday.
I have now noticed some white fuzzy things growing inside the GSP, almost looks like a spider's egg. I still have this large thing sticking up from one section and have yet to determine what it is.
I have placed a couple for pics below. I would appreciate any info at all.
Thank You!!
Mike Busby



Active Member
For those last pictures, they're Q-tip Sponges. For the ones before, I am really not sure what they are, the first picture looks like some sort of clam, not sure on the second one. :happyfish


Thanks for the info, it appears it would be the q-tip sponge. Hopefully they won't harm the GSP
Now, does anyone now what that tall thing sticking up is?(Look at center of pic 2, right side of GSP)
Thank You!!


Active Member
That thing sticking up in the second pic looks like either a clam (filter feeding) or a scallop of some sorts. Don't think it is harmful.


Active Member
You know what, I think I know what that thing is on the second picture, it's a filter feeder, used to eat those stuffs. It looks just like it. Can't remember the name of it though. Does it have tubing like things that comes out from the top? :happyfish