unknown fish

casey horan

New Member
Hi all. I used to work at a saltwater fish store when I was in college (actually the reason I now have this addiction) and we used to get a fish in every now and then that I can't recall the name of. I'm curious because I'd like to get one for a tank that I have set up, but I can't seem to find a picture of it anywhere on the web. Anyways, when I first started trying to identify it, I came across the "Engineer Goby". This fish is similar, but I don't believe that it's the one I'm looking for.
The ones we had at the pet store were eel-like and black, just like the engineer goby, but instead of white horizontal lines, it had yellow (I think) vertical bands/lines/spots (something of this nature) that were spaced apart enough so that the 5"-8" fish had about 8 of them.
Does this description ring a bell with anyone? I've racked my brain trying to figure this out with no success. If anyone knows of this fish, please fill me in.

casey horan

New Member
the bands/spots/lines on this fish seemed to come up from it's belly and didn't necessarily reach all the way to the fish's spine. Also, the fish were no bigger around than a small marble in their entireity. I always noticed them sifting the sand for food/algae and they also ate some of the brine shrimp we used to feed it. So, it's not a picky eater at least. Anyways, if anyone knows anything, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks,


You are probably describing the adult form of an engineer goby. They're usually always sold in juvenile coloration (the horizontal black & white stripes) but gradually change into black with vertical 'wavy' yellow bands. I used to have one which changed to adult coloration over a period of 8mths or so.
There is a pic of one in adult coloration if you look at the fishbase o r g
site under its scientific name Pholidichthys leucotaenia & click under 'pictures'
RG :)
[ May 11, 2001: Message edited by: ReefGirl ]