Unknown Growth - ID Please



I had this piece of liverock for about 4 weeks now and this guy keeps growing. I just like to now the names of what i got in my tank. I've circled the unknown growth in the pic.


Its called Aiptasia. It is a bad hitchiker. You can do a search for more info on it, but if it is possible, try and remove the rock its on from the tank. Find a seringe and fill it with a product called Joe's Juice, or boiling water, or anything that is concentrated calcium like kalkwasser. Inject it into the mouth of the anenome, or the hole that it retracted into. I would rinse it off with saltwater, or freshwater if your just going to give it a quick rinse, and place it back in the aquarium.


Active Member
Joes Juice Joes Juice works awesome.. those things spread like wild fire. I wish some of my corals popped up as frequently as they did.


Well looks like i got a chore to do when i get home - i thought it was cool but i guess its better to get rid of it now before im sorry

What about picking up a few Peppermint shrimp?


Active Member
I have heard they help but honestly a $6.00 bottle of joes juice and the anenome is gone in about 1 minute no lie. Its over in minutes.


well i was looking to get some of the Peppermint shrimp anyway so i might try that out first then maybe get some Juice - by way is it sold at most pet stores or LFS?


Active Member
yep they sell it everywhere. Its basically a concentrated calcium blast. You squirt it into the mouth of the anenome and it suckes it up and shrivels and dies immediatly, which is why you have to inject it right into its mouth.


You can use Jos's Juice, a shot of Kalk, boiling water, hypersalinity shot, or the peppermint shrimp - I've tried all but Joe's Juice and they all work. Pepp's are the natural way to go, and my preferred method, but they will take a few days or more to even begin (they have to find it first) once they do it's gone quick.


Active Member
peppermints are a hit or miss as to whether they will eat it.
if you have that angel in your avatar it should eat it.


Originally Posted by renogaw
peppermints are a hit or miss as to whether they will eat it.
if you have that angel in your avatar it should eat it.
Ren, with all due respect (your posts are almost always spot on),
I have to disagree with ya on this one - that is a Copperband Butterfly and, even though they are carnivorous, they are not likely to go after the aptasia.


Yea i wish i had the Copperband Butterfly in my tank - maybe one day


Active Member
A CBB can eat Aiptasia. It's hit or miss as well. It took months before mine went after them IMO. It went first thing after the fanworms and then Aiptasia. It's normal diet that I feed it are mysis shrimp....


Active Member
I saw in another thread recently where someone had put peppermint shrimp in (or so they thought) to get rid of aptasia and they started eating zoos also. Seemed the LFS had mis-represented the type of shrimp or something.
Just a thought.


i had also read that thread - i think the peppermints were mistaken as camelbacks? But i would make sure before coming home with some zoa eaters.


Originally Posted by dborne3
i had also read that thread - i think the peppermints were mistaken as camelbacks? But i would make sure before coming home with some zoa eaters.
The easy way to tell the difference is that the Camelbacks have a "camel like" hump on their backs and Peppermints don't. I really don't understand how anyone at an LFS could honestly make that mistake. It seems like maybe they were trying to get rid of some Camelbacks that nobody wanted to buy and preyed on beginners that didn't know the difference.


In the pic that i posted, the aptasia is brown - do they also grow in whitish, clear colors or is that something else? The reason im asking is because i have two smaller whitish colored ones.


New Member
I had a couple of these in my tank. They came in on a rock that a coral was attached to. I knew they were bad but I was busy with work and kept putting it off. These things nearly took over my entire tank in a couple of months.
I went to the store and got a couple peppermint shrimp and put them in. After a few weeks I didn't notice much of a difference. There were a lot of anemones so maybe they were eating them and I just couldn't tell.
I went and got a CBB though and within approximately two weeks they were all gone. The big ones, the little ones.. all gone.
I was amazed at the rate this fish ate up these things. I'm sure the shrimp helps on the feast too.
Now, he's one of my favorite fish (his name is stephen hawking). He's beautiful. He gets along with all my other fish as well though occasionally the FoxfaceRabbitfish will puff up around him. They've never fought though.
But yeah, the CBB worked great; however, they do need a pretty large tank.