Unknown worm ?


I found two of these unknown critters on a mushroom rock I recently purchased. I assume it is a worm but have never seen more that the top of it to tell. It lives in a hole in the rock with what looks like a trap door. When I am messing in the tank or feeding the corals the top of it's head will push open the trap door ( I can then see it's two antenna) and it spins out sticky filament and then almost reels it back in when something has stuck to it.
It is not a spaghetti worm, I have one of those in the tank too. The "sticky stuff" it shoots out reminds me of spider web, it will stick to you finger and break off. Attached are pictures of it pushing open and sticking it's antenna out it's trap door.
Any idea what these critters might be. I have look at various hitch hiker threads but didn't find it.



It's not a snail, the brown circle that I think you might be thinking looks a snail shell is actually the covering on the hole in the live rock. When it is down in the hole, the brown circle is flush against the rock. I would think if it was a snail it would be moving around the tank, this thing is always right in the same spot.
But thanks for the replys.


Well, hush my mouth, I guess you are correct. I had seen that picture on that thread before but never thought of a snail since it does not move from that one spot. But you have figured it out for me because that description was perfect. That webbing does make a mess.
Thanks Viper :jumping: