unsociable clownfish? (2 questions)


Well, a small unfortunate update, folks. Most of my anemone has turned into mush. It's confusing me a little, because while some one half is obviously dead, the other half is definately not, with normal size tenticles and everything. I'm not sure if I should throw it out now, or wait and see if the side of the anemone that's still alive should get another chance... It was probably inevitable, but I'm still disappointed. Anyway, guess I'll try again later... :-(


Active Member
I second that Melody...do not throw it out. It may be expelling waste. Is it's mouth open or closed...can you get a picture that would help.
By the way the Ritteri in my first picture split yesterday, I have a thread going on it in the reef forum.


Well, unfortunately, it's too late; I flushed the anemone. His tentacles and body weren't just small, they were rotted , with pieces of him breaking off and blowing around all over the tank. It literally smelled like rotting fish. I had to leave for a couple days, and I couldn't take the chance that what was left would remain alive. I was afraid of coming back to an tank full of dead fish. I was trying to avoid taking too drastic of measures, but I had to act. Thanks for your help. I'll try again if a few months with an anemone that naturally hosts fish this time.


Active Member
Moight I recomend not trying again until after a few years in the hobby. Try getting a hairy shroom, or a frogspawn, Clowns are sometimes more than happy to host in them.