Unsure how to improve filtering



I'm having some trouble keeping waste buildup off the bottom of my 55gal SW tank. I think I need to increase my filtering.
Currently I have a little skim-box that gets water from the top of the tank, it goes through a little rectangle foam piece (which is really the only thing that is filtering) and from there, the water goes under-the-tank into a custom-built "trickle filter". And then gets pumped back to the top with a power head.
I really don't like my skim-box either, cause the fish were finding their way into the chamber and getting sucked through the tube. I had to use some make-shift netting to keep them from going into there.
Do I need to buy a protein-skimmer, or add some filter/foam to the under-tank trickle filter, buy a canister filter, or what??
I have no idea, and I feel lost in this...
Any advice would be VERY appreciated!!
Thanks so much!

undulated guy

you're right you need a protien skimmer also add some sort of carbon or bioballs to your trickler. the skimmer i would reccomend is the berlin 60 in tank(i have one of these, works like a charm) perfect for your tank. if you want an oversized skimmer which would'nt hurt at all go with the berlin 90 also in tank they both sell for pretty cheap on this site or at a lfs. ($20 to $30) also try to remove any build up or extra food at the bottom of tank this build up will lead to nitrates and nitrites. how much live rock and live sand if any?


I have a few pieces of live rock, and no live sand.
Thanks for the recommendation of the Berlin 60? Does it have a filter in it, or does it stir up the water so that my other pump will catch it?


Active Member
Protein skimmers create bubbles to toss the crap into a collection cup . I would also get a better filter , Marineland , Whisper ,and Rena have some good quality HOB filters . Don`t go cheap on a skimmer , the cheap ones don`t work as good . I would go with either a Seaclone , Coralife Super Skimmer , Berlin Turbo,or Aqua Remora .


Active Member
Welcome to the boards. Tell us more about your tank and livestock so we can better help you.
Increase flow in the tank. You should not have debris settling anywhere.


Active Member
For tanks that can be drilled you could install a closed loop with a spray bar on the bottom, like I have that goes across the back or in the middle if you are wanting it to be viewed from all angles. It rests a few inches off the bottom and the intakes are on the side of the over flow box. What the bottom spray bar does is keep things in suspension and allows no dead spots in the tank. And of course you will also have your spray bar on the top. And that would be connected to the refugium or wet dry.


Thanks giving me a good first visit here.
I did saltwater a few years back, but got discouraged when my fish kept dying. So, i'm at it again... I started this time with my 55Gal. I let it run for a few weeks and then added 8 damsels. I let them swim/eat/etc for 2 months, and my wife bought a whole bunch of stuff (probably overloaded the tank).. ie: 2 angels (flame and bicolor), a little humo-humo trigger, a blue tang, 2 wrasse, bunch of snails, 1 starfish, 2 crabs. So, a month later.. here I am again.. a bunch of stuff has died already... and i'm trying to see what i might be missing.
I test my tank way to little. I know my ammonia and nitrogens are high, but i feel a little helpless to combat them... which is why I am writing about filtration.
As far as filtering, I guess I had always thought that HOB Filters were for Freshwater only. Are there certain types for saltwater?
Water flow, huh? I had never really thought of that. I suppose I could also upgrade my powerhead under the tank - it's pretty old. That would help the flow too...
I recently setup a media bag in the bottom of the wet/dry case with "Cell pore media" in it.. which supposedly helps remove ammonia, and nitrogens.


Also, I always assumed having a Protein Skimmer was for those "

" reef tanks. I had no idea that I might need one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sachsgang
Also, I always assumed having a Protein Skimmer was for those "

" reef tanks. I had no idea that I might need one.

Protein skimmers pull out crud that filters can`t and not just for reef tanks .


Active Member
Originally Posted by sachsgang
Thanks giving me a good first visit here.
I did saltwater a few years back, but got discouraged when my fish kept dying. So, i'm at it again... I started this time with my 55Gal. I let it run for a few weeks and then added 8 damsels. I let them swim/eat/etc for 2 months, and my wife bought a whole bunch of stuff (probably overloaded the tank).. ie: 2 angels (flame and bicolor), a little humo-humo trigger, a blue tang, 2 wrasse, bunch of snails, 1 starfish, 2 crabs. So, a month later.. here I am again.. a bunch of stuff has died already... and i'm trying to see what i might be missing.
Oh good Heavens...
The tank was incredibly overstocked with incompatible species. Neptune himself couldn't have pulled that off.
SWF is all about balance and compatibility. Reserach EACH fish/invert before purchased.
*Most damsels are territorial and agressive when they get bigger. And they grow quick. 8 damsels in a 55 alone would cause havoc.
*Angels do not do well together. 1 per tank is the norm.
*Triggers like to grow up and eat everything. That includes inverts and other fish.
*Tangs need much bigger tanks.
*Wrasses.. need more info as to species, but many are aggressive.


to me it sounds like you need a lot of upgrading to keep a sucessful tank. First a skimmer is a great idea. They are not absolutly needed, but are a definite plus.
Also in a 55 you should turn over about 1000g/hour in flow. So if you add up the flow on your powerheads they should equal somewhere near 1000 gallons per hour.
If your not going to have LR you need some sort of biological filter. Canister filters can do this for you or a wet/dry system.
Also, if you are getting waste build-up on the bottom of the tank you might be over feeding. Feed a small amount and make sure every drop is eaten, then feed a little more and so on.
What type of substrate do you have? sand, crushed coral, stones?
We are all here to help you, but if you can give us a detailed list of what you have that would help including brand name and flow rates.


Originally Posted by Dawman
Protein skimmers create bubbles to toss the crap into a collection cup . I would also get a better filter , Marineland , Whisper ,and Rena have some good quality HOB filters . Don`t go cheap on a skimmer , the cheap ones don`t work as good . I would go with either a Seaclone , Coralife Super Skimmer , Berlin Turbo,or Aqua Remora .
I have a Seaclone 100 on my 37 gallon, and I wouldn't recommend this skimmer to anyone. JUNK!! It is nearly impossible to adjust properly. It either skims next to nothing, or shoots copious amounts of micro bubbles into the tank. I am looking for a decent used skimmer that I can replace this waste of money with.


Active Member
Holy fish poop Batman! Way to many fish! Not to mention the ones that want to eat one another.
What fish do you have left? What are the water parameters now?
You need a skimmer in a big way. I would go with a Super skimmer or an Aqua-c. ASM makes a nice in sump skimmer also if you have room in the wet/dry.
You need more flow add some power heads in the tank to keep the waste from collecting on the bottom. This will keep things afloat so the WD can get it.
Only fed every 2-3 days and only what can be eaten in 2-3 mins.
Come back with more info, we can help!


Thanks for all the advice and info.
Here's some more info on what I have:
Crushed coral (not live)
A few decent pieces of live rock
The brown/red rock in there is some kind of Lava rock that I got a long time ago
Powerhead 802 for my Custom Wet/Dry
6 Damsels (Yellowtail Blue, Four-Stripe, Blue, and another one i can't seem to find the name for)
1 Rainbow Wrasse
3 large snails
1 Emerald crab
I know my water is too low in the wet/dry in this picture, I have added more since I took these.



most people will tell you to ditch the crushed coral and get sand. Sand wil turn into Live sand which hosts biological organisims which help keep your nitrate levels low.
also, i only see one powerhead in your tank. that is not nearly enough. you need at least one more, maybe 2 (depending on size)
as for the fish list i dont think thats horrible for the amount you have, but what fish you have might be. As said before damsels are the devil. If you like them they aren't bad, but they are MEAN and will beat up and other fish you ever want. so just keep that in mind.
Also, you dont have nearly enough inverts (snails and crabs). you said large snails i'm going to assume you mean mexican turbo snails. if so you might want a few turbo snails (not mexican). I would also start w/ 10 hermits (blue or reg leg) and add more if your tank starts to grow algae.


Thanks. By adding another powerhead, I assume you mean - buy one and just put it inside the tank (not in the WD filter).. just to increase waterflow... right?


Originally Posted by sachsgang
Thanks. By adding another powerhead, I assume you mean - buy one and just put it inside the tank (not in the WD filter).. just to increase waterflow... right?
correct, the wet/dry doesnt really need any flow other than the water coming in and out.


Active Member

Hello and welsome to the boards.
I would remove the lava rock, ( sometimes they can release unwanted minerals into your water), and get more live rock. You could use base rock and it will become live overtime. You want 1-1 1/2lbs per gal. this will greatly improve your filtration, and with time you get lots of critters that multiply and help with cleanup. I have lots of mini brittle stars and astratinas, along with worms and snails that came in live rock and multiplied over time. They really help keep my tank cleaned up.


Thanks for all of your input...
Here's what i think i'm going to buy to try and rescue my tank:
What do you all think?
Good, or overkill, or what??
Protein Skimmer Remora AquaC + Maxi-Jet1200 pump
Maxi-Jet Powerhead "MP1200" 295 GPH
Whisper3 - HOB Filter - 60 Gal
$43 + Disposable Cart for Whisper I/II/III 3pk $6
Replacement Overflow Box (to keep fish from getting into pump)


Active Member
the MODS are going to jump your ship for posting other links to other competitors, take it down before they do. It is against the rules on this forum.