Unusual fish/corals?


Anyone have pics of their unusual fish or corals? Meaning fish we don't see too often or hard to keep corals that only the really experienced can keep alive.
Let's see those pics!!


I dont know how rare this is but you dont see many pics of one on this site.It is a green bird wrasse.Sorry for poor pics.He is one fast fish.Vary hard to get a pic of him.And sorry for dirty tank.Been behind on that.



Viper - where did you get the Rhyzotrochus typus from its awesome. are you getting ride of any frags? :joy:


Active Member
savfishguy, I got the rhyzo from my LFS just last week, so no frags yet. I've never spent more on a single coral before. How about posting pics of your duncan now huh? :jumping:


here is a couple pics of it tonight about 20 min after i feed it. i know what you mean about the most money spent. there not cheap. where at in cali are you?



Active Member
lol, it's just one shop here that has them, maybe I just got lucky.
I'm going back there tomorrow again and maybe pick up a second.
If you're looking for some dendrophyllias, rhyzos, micros, and other rare stuff it might be worth it to take a trip out this way and check out a few stores and call it a day.


Love the pics guys! The green bird wrasse is one of my favs. I hope to have one in my 220 FO some day! Anyone else have a fish or coral that we don't see pics of very often on here? I saw a jacknife fish at our LFS the other day, that was pretty neat to me.