unusual sleeping behaviors?


does anyone elses clowns have weird sleeping behaviors?
My Oscelaris sleeps behind my HOB heater right at the surface of the water, perfectly healthy just sleeps there every night.
may feel like a heat blanket well what ever works..
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


I have an Ocellaris which does the same thing, only he sleeps on top of a powerhead. The weird thing is, he plays in a bunch of star polyps all day long like it's his host, but nighttime comes, and its up to the powerhead he goes....


yeah mine hangs in one of my caves during the day and at night sleeps straight up in the upper back corner. clownfish are funny


Active Member
I have a pair of Percs that sleep right behind the output of my HOB filter. They always have, and probably always will. That is why they are called clownfish, they do funny things!


Yeah one of my clowns sleeps verticle next to the heater and the other lays on his side on one of the rocks. First time I saw him do this I thought he was dead. Now every night, about 2 minutes after the lights go off hes on that rock sleeping.


Active Member
my ocellaris used to sleep behind the heater at the surface, now he lies motionless in my veggieclip. its scary, as he looks dead, but if you brush past the tank he wakes up.