unwanted crab...please help


Anyone have any ideas how to get an unwanted crab out of a piece of live rock? My cleaner wrasse is now missing and I noticed it sticking his huge claw out of the hole in hopes my sally crab got close enough to nab. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. :mad:


take out the piece of LR he is in and put it in freshwater. that works for a mantis shrimp, would probably work for a crab too.
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: jacrmill ]


I was thinking about doing that but I didn't want it to hurt what was on the live rock...but i will give that a try. Thanks for the advice


Well it is in some freshwater now...seems like all else is coming out except what I want. Will it hurt to leave that live rock in the water for a little while and see what happens? This little bugger is pi**ing me off here. Thanks for all the help. Kelly


I dont know what shape your rock is in now but in the future you can place the rocks on a old milke crate or some thing with large slots and put a bowl of water a few inches under it. The crab will eventually leave the rock for the water, you will have some die off depending on how long it takes. If you notice it takes a very long time fill a spray bottel with water and mist it to keep your rock alive
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: ReefKeeper1 ]


If you haven't caught it yet try this... put a smooth glass in the tank and tilt it up. Put food in the glass and turn out the lights. It may take a few nights but you should eventually catch the bugger. They go in for the food but then can't get back out because they can't get a foothold on the inside of the glass.


Thanks for the idea....I tried last night taking out the rock and placing it in a bucket of freshwater....everything came out but that little bugger. I was soo mad :mad: Finally after a few hrs I put the rock back in the tank. Haven't seen him yet so I really must scared him. I will give that a try though. Thanks for the idea :) Kelly


Good news....finally caught the little bas****. It decided to move on me to a littler rock, believe me which was in my best interest. He made a mistake though...he was hauling the empty shells I put in there for my hermit crabs into the rock...so it was loaded with them. So I shined a flash light in there and found his new hiding spot. Took ten minutes to get him out of there. Just wondering what to do with him now...flush him or try and save him til morning to take to my local store. He did enough damage in my tank....hate to have someone else get him...but I feel like such a murderer if I flush him. Any ideas for me? Hope you all have a nice holiday and thanks for all ideas. :) Kelly


congratulations, you could do either of the above. personally id flush him, and im as humane as they come. or you could give it to your lfs, but warn them of the damage it will do. personally i would just flush him cause my lfs would turn around and sell it and not even warn the next person buying it. but if you have a better lfs then maybe thats an option fo you.


LionFish says.......
Well, I've had to deal with 3 of those crabs. The little S.O.B.s were in it together. They attacked my Bangaii Cardinal and tore him apart. They messed with the wrong person at the wrong time. Too bad they didn't know that my other tank had a trigger in it. Hehe. The trigger liked one of them. The other 2 were too fast so I took a feeder stick and jammed it into different holes until I heard a crunch. Got both of them. Got them out in about 20 different pieces. I would flush him or torture the little guy for causing so much trouble. Sorry, I guess after all I went through to get the 3 of those crabs I went beserk on them and destroyed them. I didn't feel bad.



Originally posted by LionFish:
<STRONG>LionFish says.......
Well, I've had to deal with 3 of those crabs. The little S.O.B.s were in it together. They attacked my Bangaii Cardinal and tore him apart. They messed with the wrong person at the wrong time. Too bad they didn't know that my other tank had a trigger in it. Hehe. The trigger liked one of them. The other 2 were too fast so I took a feeder stick and jammed it into different holes until I heard a crunch. Got both of them. Got them out in about 20 different pieces. I would flush him or torture the little guy for causing so much trouble. Sorry, I guess after all I went through to get the 3 of those crabs I went beserk on them and destroyed them. I didn't feel bad.</STRONG>


Thanks... :) You will be glad to know that I got up enough courage and closed my eyes and flushed him. I am so happy and so are my fish that he is gone. I will have to buy my son another cleaner wrasse to make up for the one the crab got ahold of. Thanks for all advice....hope never to have to encounter that again....they really get the best of you. I am just happy he is gone. :D


New Member
just like to say goodjob on flushing him! do u have ls in ur tank? i have cc right now... do u think i should switch over before my tank gets more going? it still has barely almost over with the first cycle... would i have to take all the water out to do this ? thx


Just wondering... what did he end up looking like? Mine was all black with evil red eyes. I'd love to know what he was.
When I had my crab issue I caught him using the glass trick put him into a 5 gallon tank because I didn't have the heart to flush him.
I had to take him out to clean the algae in his private abode (I had it next to a window and really let it go way too long) so I stuck him in a holding pen in my main tank.
The little sucker escaped and killed another fish before I could get him again.
This time when I caught his sorry a** he got tossed into a snowbank. End of crab.
o my o my i had the same problem.... and he killed 3 damsels, at night everything comes out.. so tonight look at the rock with a dim flash light and you will probably see him take the rock out and take what i used, a sknny lobster fork and jam it in the rock, killin the crab... it may be cruel but it will solve your problems and he wont kill anything else

i wrote thaty before i read all the posts..
[ September 07, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


Well, he was an ugly little thing. Looked kinda how you described. Really dark brown, red beatie little eyes. Oval shaped. I left him the bucket for quite awhile before I decided to flush him. Everyone is doing quite well now with him gone. Think they got stressed though cause now I think they have ich which I am posting a message in the other board. Wish me luck. :confused: