uP dated pictures!


OK guys today my 9 pounds of LR finished curing and i bought about 5 pounds bringing my total to 65 pounds! I finaly took out that cheezy shell out so there so heres my 3 stages of tank life


month 6 got some chromis re arranged got a coral beaut,diaomond back goby, and clownfish oh and wised up and ditched the DAMN-sels cept for the b&w striped scardey cats : )


today month 8 more lr chromis went, I was way overstocked and my nitrates are suffering (30!) so this is kind of a roundabout way of asking but how would you suggest lowering my nitrates? Im gonna add a fuge in 2 weeks should i just do a 15 gallon water change? well answer that after the laud :p


yeah, i know i just ran out of salt mix :p im gonna go get some asap i just mixed up all the salt that was left and it was a sad little 3 gallons too, lol. I'm gonna go get a 200 gallon bucket tommorow.


I agree......get rid of that background. Get solid black or blue. What kind of cleanup crew do you have in there? I don't see any crabs or snails.


yeah, im thinking about upgradeing in about a month but I really should get a better back ground but currently all my money is bein saved for those T5s... oh my clean up crew it is
22 turbos
3 brittle stars (one being mammoth a foot for every tentacle thing)
5 nassa snails
1 mysterious tiny hermit crab (came with the nassas and was labeled as one)
6 cerith snails
3 peppermint shrimp
and idk if you consider them clean up but 2 huge cleaner shrimp!
EDIT: opps i forgot 2 emerald crabs too!


Well you keep them well hidden. You should get about 25 scarlet or red tip hermits to round out the bunch. The blue leg and the zebra fight and kill each other too much.


yeah when i ordered them i had a dozen hermits on the list but they were out of them so... im gonna pick someup whenever i can