update! new M/F crosshatch triggers



Awesome looking fish!

How are they at feeding time? Are they as agressive as other triggers?


Oh no, my niger and pinktail are far more aggressive, but they are new so that might change when they get more comfortable.


I also had a question, the male makes a snapping noise sometimes towards the female. It almost seems like he's trying to bite her but he doesn't get that close to her. It's kinda loud and it seems like he's just keeping her in check. Other than that they get along very well and are actually inseperable. Anyone know if this is normal?


I don't know about males doing it to females. My Male will snap his teeth at some fish when he is in his cave and other fish come near him especially the big black tang. He will also do it when I am siphoning the sand or scraping algae. I wouldn't worry about it. I was concerned that my black tang was going to be missing a chunk of his body but nothing so far. Good luck, Tim


Active Member
Amazing fish. One day, one day........
As for the behavior, yea the male is trying to establish his slice of the tank. From what I've seen with trigger pairs, is really that they're really not. You get a male trigger and a female trigger, who are somewhat more tolerate of each other. I think, unfortunately, their "relationship" will slowly drift apart.


Active Member
The triggers look great together. As for the grunting the male is definitely showing his dominance towards the female. It looks like the female is almost bigger than the male. If that is the case then you may have an issue.
I think that they will be fine though.
My only suggetsion would be that you lower the temperature of the tank to below 76 degrees. I can tell you from diving with these guys that they like cold waters at 150+ feet.
Good luck with the pair. I can't wait to get mine in my new tank.


hey thanks everyone for your feedback. I know the pictures look like the females bigger, but they are actually pretty darn close to the same size. The tank temps stay around 75degrees so that should be good. Hey CC, just curious but what do you feed your crosshatch?


The reason why I asked is because neither one has eaten. I've tried mysis, krill, squid, spectrum pellets, and sea algae and they don't seem interested.


Originally Posted by bioneck47
The reason why I asked is because neither one has eaten. I've tried mysis, krill, squid, spectrum pellets, and sea algae and they don't seem interested.
go live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!feeders(salt water feeders):):)


It's an almost a guarantee that newly introduce x-hatches for the first few days. When I got my male it took him almost a week and he would only eat silversides. I only feed my fish two different things. i soak nori in garlic and selcon and they hang it to dry and the trigger doesn't eat this obviously. I feed all the fish a homemade gel based food and it took him a little time to get used to it but all of the fish I have took some time to get used to it. Also try and feed the tank and than slowly walk away from the tank. This helps as they are quite skiddish. Good luck they look great. Tim


Active Member
Bioneck - I would not worry yet. The reason they are not eating is that they are very used to what they would catch in the ocean. If I were you I would go out and get some fresh clam on a half shell and drop it in the tank. Also load it with garlic to entice them to eat. They will come around.
My crosshatch started on 3" silversides 1.5 weeks after arriving. Once he started eating them it was all over. He ate three-five 3" silversides a day.


Thanks everyone, yup even you slackjawed. I will try and start some silversides and fresh clam, hopefully they'll come around.


Active Member
They are beautiful Bio, congrats....My Sargassum (fairly close relative of the X-hatch) was very slow to adapt by Trigger standards, once they start eating they never stop!! No tankmates are harrassing them are they?


Thanks kjr trig, I love your sargassum. But no one is being really aggressive towards them, my queen angel momentarily chased the male but it doesn't really look like its gonna be a problem. I'm actually a little worried about the female.The male is being pretty aggressive towards her. They hang out together like they're best buddies and then out of nowhere the male will just dash towards her and nip at her tail. It's not a constant harrassment but it is making me a little worried. Hopefully it will subside.


Nice triggers I wish that I could have one of them, maybe one day when I get a bigger tank. Good luck with the male and female hope they work out together.