update! new M/F crosshatch triggers


Thankyou so much everyone, I truly appreciate the comments, and so do my fish

Here's the approx. length of each of my fish
Queen angel 9-10"
Emperor 5-6"
Xhatch pair 7-8"
Blue hippo 6-7"
Harly tusk 5"
niger trigger 4-5"
Starry puffer 1 1/2"
and I think I want to add one more Medium/large fish later. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking about a sohal, blonde naso, or another puffer or trigger. I would love to here some peoples suggestions!


Originally Posted by prime311
Did you put the Queen and Emp in at the same time? Any aggression between them?
No aggression once so ever, thank god! I was actually suprised on how well they got along. My queen is pretty much the boss of the tank and chases my hippo and male crosshatch sometimes(but not too much). I added the emperor a couple of weeks after the queen and the queen just did a close inspection of the emperor as soon as I added him and that was it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
I think I want to add one more Medium/large fish later. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking about a sohal, blonde naso, or another puffer or trigger. I would love to here some peoples suggestions!
Achilles Tang


Originally Posted by bioneck47
No aggression once so ever, thank god! I was actually suprised on how well they got along. My queen is pretty much the boss of the tank and chases my hippo and male crosshatch sometimes(but not too much). I added the emperor a couple of weeks after the queen and the queen just did a close inspection of the emperor as soon as I added him and that was it.
a clarion angle hes only 3499.00.hes onlt 2 3/4 " what a deal!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
and I think I want to add one more Medium/large fish later. Anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking about a sohal, blonde naso, or another puffer or trigger. I would love to here some peoples suggestions!
This was very tough for me. I'm not sure what to pick. My initial reaction was a French Angel, but that would be risky at best mixing in. IMO, you do need something 'fiery', nice basic bright solid color. So I thought of either a Cuban Hogfish or one of the red hinds (groupers). But I'm not sure how the latter would fit into that tank. A large soldierfish would be cool, but again, maybe too passive.
So, I dunno. IMO, get a pair of Double Whiptail Breams(Pentapodus emeryii
. Or a Red Coris Wrasse...


I know you said 1 more med/large fish, but what about 1male and 2female flame wrasses?
They are smaller, but would give some great color to the tank. Just an idea to think about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
This was very tough for me. I'm not sure what to pick. My initial reaction was a French Angel, but that would be risky at best mixing in. IMO, you do need something 'fiery', nice basic bright solid color. So I thought of either a Cuban Hogfish or one of the red hinds (groupers). But I'm not sure how the latter would fit into that tank. A large soldierfish would be cool, but again, maybe too passive.
So, I dunno. IMO, get a pair of Double Whiptail Breams(Pentapodus emeryii
. Or a Red Coris Wrasse...
A wrasse is a good idea. I saw a mature lunar ther ot her day and he was HUGE, 12 inches and fat, what an awesome fish.


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Why don't you do a Harlequin tusk then? They are relatively inexpensive and would do well with other large fish. Plus they are gorgeous and they are really active.....:) I like the Australian variety better though.
I think there is already one in the tank.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
This was very tough for me. I'm not sure what to pick. My initial reaction was a French Angel, but that would be risky at best mixing in. IMO, you do need something 'fiery', nice basic bright solid color. So I thought of either a Cuban Hogfish or one of the red hinds (groupers). But I'm not sure how the latter would fit into that tank. A large soldierfish would be cool, but again, maybe too passive.
So, I dunno. IMO, get a pair of Double Whiptail Breams(Pentapodus emeryii
. Or a Red Coris Wrasse...
I've never heard of a red hind or a double whiptail bream. I'll check them out. A Red coris sounds like a good idea. I lost my old one a while ago from velvet
so that's a real possibility.