update of my tank

jam marine

Hi fishking definately some improvement there,but remember it is important to get to the root of the problem,so it does not occur again,algae can destroy corals almost overnight.


Active Member

Originally posted by jam marine
Hi fishking definately some improvement there,but remember it is important to get to the root of the problem,so it does not occur again,algae can destroy corals almost overnight.

im pretty sure it was not doing a water change for 1 1/2 months:rolleyes:


Active Member
Wow! That's night and day from the pictures you posted a few days ago. Now you'll need to be very diligent on tank maintenance because the stuff could grow back on you very quickly if you're not careful; especially with all of the spores and pieces of dead hair algae still scattered around the tank.


Active Member
blitz- i dont think im gonna get another tang, the three tangs i have are fighting once in a while, the sohal bites the yellow tangs fin, the yellow tang harasses the scopas tang, i dont really no y they r doin this, they got along for the past 5 months
dama & sergent- every time i get snails i acclimate them for 1 and a half hours and ususally half are dead and the other half dissapear in a month, i might get sum more fighting coonch for the sandbed and wutever is on the rock ill scrub, anyways the snails i got never went on the rock