update on 10!!


HEY everyone, I got my new lights. 96 watts. heres a couple pics of my tank, fish, and soon to be fuge.
First, heres a couple full tank shot pics...



is your fuge located inside you hob filter? I have a 10 gal nano as well and i'm thinking of doing the same thing i have a older filter i was going to convert into a hob fuge.


i simply just cut the filter pad things and put them in place, the 2 big black ones i just cut the blue stuff out and then, i cut some filter pads so one would go on each side near the middle. it was very easy to do. Just look at the pics and you will see how to do it.
Ben R


Active Member
you cut them? and then how do you seal it back or something? and isnt carbon that part that isnt preferred for the filters? or am i incorrect?


i didnt seal it back together i left it open, and i took all that black crap out, i think its bad for the tank, i just use the blue thing to help clean the water.


thank god I found this thread.What are you adding into yuor refuge?I have a 20 gallon with a skimmer and a filter but i want to control my nitrate problem because it is always high.I have the filter, the lamp, the brillo pad algae, and some rock for the fuge, but what else are you adding?
thanks :help:


Active Member
ahhhh, i understand what you mean now...you just took the carbon out and used the pad as a media.....makes more sense.
broli, if you look up "DIY HOB refuge??" in DIY and equip i have a thread there as well with some comments from others.


Originally Posted by Bronco300
ahhhh, i understand what you mean now...you just took the carbon out and used the pad as a media.....makes more sense.
broli, if you look up "DIY HOB refuge??" in DIY and equip i have a thread there as well with some comments from others.
Thanks I found the thread with the info.


do that royal dottyback and clown get together? i was thinking of getting a clown but my dottyback is tre aggressive