Update on Blue Face Angel


I thought i would let you know how the juv blue face is doing. well he is still alive and in good health. since trading in the scopas tang the ring tailed surgeon has become the dominent fish. picking on everyone. The blue face stands up to him now and is not too bothered. he is eating nori, see vegies, spirilana flakes and marine green. the only problem is the other fish keep taking it, he wont come out and get it so i have to feed the fish, put food at the entrance of his cave then feed the fish again to keep them from taking his food.
He either hides in the rocks (bout 85% time) or paces up and down the tank till something spooks him or the other fish.
his colours are starting to change as the back becomes whiter. How long does it take to change?
i heard him grunting this morning at the surgeon!
:cool: :D


Yes your blueface sounds to be doin good so far. I purchased a small pure juvi. blueface about 3 mos. ago. At first he was real shy like yours but it takes blue face around a week or two till they are really acclimated, like jwt said they are the shyset. Although angels take an extremely long time to change the angels in the family euxiphipops (blueface, majestic, and sixbanded) change the fastest. When I got mine he was 1 1/2 in. and a pure juvi. Now hes 2 in. and is about 40 % done with the change. He is doin real good, and changing very quickly. But most other angels like emperors take years to change, and they may stop changing if you dont give them what they need. Just try to give him less stress as possible, and try gettin him some angel formula, greens, and then a little meat. This is the best you can get for them. Just wait till he gets more bold and he'll be eatin like a champ. Good Luck!


its hard feeding him coz the other fish are such guts! but the hippo, rabbit and surgeon willl all be moved will all be moved in the next month or so, this will be less stressful. how long will it take for him to become aggressive towards other fish?
i plan on adding more fish (a tang, raccoon butterfly) once i move the others.


I've had my blueface since he was a juvinile. He actually was almost @ full adult coloration when he reverted back to a combo of both. He now is a full grown adult and the ruler of the tank. I'm constantly changing his diet & intruducing new things. I would really like to get him a larger home but currently haven't the room for a larger tank. I don't want to trade him in @ the local fish store fearing he would mistreated. I would much rather sell him to a local admirer like myself!!!


I know that the blueface should be the last fish added but we hardly ever see them here and he has been the only angel that has seem interested in food. he just seemed perfect! i actually saw a full coration adult today for the first time, very nice looking fish, they look even better in real life.
the surgeon just seems to be getting too aggressive so i was going to put him in my brothers tank once it has been established.
i dont really like the rabbit, his colours are fairly dull and he is boring. i know it sounds mean but im just looking for more colour. when i can catch him i will trade him in to the lfs.
The hippo is going ino my brothers tank coz he has always wanted one.
Blueface, could you post a pic of your fish, i just love looking at the fully coloured adults! :D


Active Member
Blueface are beautiful and if I had room and didn't have sohal and emperor in same tank, would go for it. Actually emperor in Q tank still getting over some Ick. He's doing great but will need at least 2 more weeks in Q tank.
blueface-55 a bit small for this angel but I understand your dilema. Do you really want to sell him. I may know somene who has a 125 up for about 9 months and is looking for a large angel to cap off stocking. Let me know.


I don't have a digital camera yet but hopefully I can borrow a friends. I really would like to sell him to someone w/ at least a 200 gallon. I also had a juvenile asfur in this same tank for 5 years until he became mature & the blue face took care of that. I really am an angel fanatic. I also had a brazilian flameback for 10 years & recently lost him too. No explanation as to why. He was quite large though & maybe it was an age thing.