Update on My 29 Gallon

I hear clicking, but I haven't seen a mantis yet. I'm hoping it's just a pistol shrimp, although those can be bad too, I've heard. Plenty of hairy crabs though. I just plucked out three more. There are at least two big ones left.
I got a few with plastic tongs from the kitchen, but missed too many times.
I finally had to take the rock out once I saw the little jerks go in their crevice, and then I took em out with a pair of hemostats.
You pretty much have to take the rock out.


man i love your kick a$$ tank!!!! i am starting a 29 with a CPR Bak-Pak 2r and seeing yours just gave me the strength to move on with my tank i hope myn looks as good as that i love your tank.
I use argonite live sand. We don't have any of the Southdown sand here in Miami. But, if we did here is what I would do. I would get enough Southdown sand to make about a 4 inch sand bed and seed it with some LiveSand. Then place the LR.
If you don't have Southdown get the Argonite oolytic (sp?) and seed it with LS.
The other thing I would do differently is get a Metal Halide/PC or Metal Halide/VHO combo lighting set up. I have 2x65 watt pc now, which is okay, but the MH's would enable me to get corals which require more lighting.
MR_BUBBLES!! thank you. I have a CPR bakpak 2r skimmer and a ecosystem 40. 60 pounds LR and 30-40 lbs of LS. 130 watts PC.
I got the LR at the site stated previously in the post.
Sounds good, although, I am not quite sure about the crushed coral. Maybe somebody else has a thought.
PS is this the famous MR BUBBLES?