Update On My Tank!!!


Active Member
Hi Scotts,
Yes I had a freshwater tank for 6 years previous to this tank, and I had a FOWLR for about a year before deciding to go reef. The FOWLR was very basic and without any specialist advice. My tank was bought in August 2002, and i basically started again in Dec 2002.
Yes i am building the site on my own, i will continue when my exams are over!!
Well the RG was due to be out of the QT next week or so, but as my clown developed Ich in my main tank , i decided the best thing was to hypo both of them :rolleyes: So they will be coming back into the tank 3 weeks yesterday. Sigh, im learning patience!


Active Member
As I said before, if you didn't have bad luck you would have no luck at all. I think you have had every problem that could have happened to a person. Just wait the hair algae is next.
Are you soaking the food in Garlic? That worked for me when I had an ich problem. After doing this for about a month I have not had a problem since then. (Knock on wood. Yes I am superstitous sp). I cursed both of my kids while my wife was pregnant.


Active Member
Wow thanks guys! I must say i am pleasantly surprised at the response to my tank, i havent posted pics of it for weeks maybe months because i was embarrassed by it compared to some on here! My confidence is now restored! :)
LOL yes nearly every problem ive had, and no, havent had hair algae yet!
Yes I am soaking the food in garlic in the QT, but I wont do that in the main tank as garlic will send diatoms soaring! Although I have had in depth conversations with Beth and I believe QT is the only way to guarantee against Ich :)
Wrassecal - keep me updated on the progress of your tank and the diatoms! Remember, if we stick together, it can be beaten! LOL. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by timsedwards
Wow thanks guys! I must say i am pleasantly surprised at the response to my tank, i havent posted pics of it for weeks maybe months because i was embarrassed by it compared to some on here! My confidence is now restored! :)

I'm not showing mine again until it looks as good as yours;)


Active Member
LOL i dont blame you i felt the same! It will work out! Just for the record Ive got some diatoms coming back a little bit (strangely almost yellow...) so im thinking of putting a silicate sponge in there now.


Great tank. Being Scottish, I am glad to see that we can hold up with the Americans!
What do you use to get such good coraline growth?


Active Member
Hi Stewart!
Well partly because I try and keep good Alk-Ca levels, but also the Alk Buffer i use has coraline accelerator in it :) That and the T5 lighting :)
All the best,


I use B-ionic and keep ph - 8.3, Ca - 45-, and Kh -10, and my lighting is pretty good. But I do not get that kind of growth!
What is a coraline accelerator, and which additive is it found in?


Active Member
Its part of Kent's Pro Buffer, which I think (plug plug) they sell on this site :D
Other than that I have no idea why you havent got it, if you talk to Kipass4130 he has problems getting it but now i think has got some coraline in his main tank.
All the best,