update on the 55gal


Active Member
commin along good...what lighting? imo the corals really pop when u have a black somtimes blue back round


Active Member
nice lookn tank i jus got a question
u no how u have that pink stuff on the glass? y dont ppl clean it off
im not sayin ur tank looks bad wit the pink stuff but i saw a lot fo ppl that had it and to me i dont like it if i saw it in my tank i would clean it off but thats me lol but still good lookin tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
nice lookn tank i jus got a question
u no how u have that pink stuff on the glass? y dont ppl clean it off
im not sayin ur tank looks bad wit the pink stuff but i saw a lot fo ppl that had it and to me i dont like it if i saw it in my tank i would clean it off but thats me lol but still good lookin tank
because once your levels are good and it really kicks off youll be scraping it a few times a week

i like the tank. but i agree painting the back would add a lot. i know it did to my reef.


Basically ppl don't scrape it off the back is one it grows like crazy and is hard to scrape off. And two the coraline algae looks alot better than green or brown algae, because most tanks are against walls which make it a little harder to clean the back wall. just my opinion.


thank you, i like the coraline on the glass it looks more natual plus i get lazy
i had a black background on it at one time but took it off so i can see too the back of the tank if anything is dead
some people like it i dont and plus the salt gets back there and its hard to clean it with out taking it off love this site look at it ever day.


OH forgot and the lighting its got 2 MH 150's they are 10,000k and the 2 30watt acttinic blue their nice i need new bulbs bad going on 2 years
still looks good