update on usps and coral

the USPS does not i repeat does not ship anything liquid , fragel , or hazzardous if you are found to have any of this you will be fined! or possable jail! dont send coral threw usps!
i am out 650.00


Active Member
Umm, what?
Postal Explorer > Publication 52 - Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail > 4 Restricted Matter > 46 Liquids and Powders
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46 Liquids and Powders
461 Definitions
A liquid is any substance that flows readily and assumes the form of the container, but retains an independent volume. For the purposes of mailability, a liquid may be a cream or paste or any other nonhazardous substance (except a gas) that may liquefy under existing conditions.
A powder is a substance composed of finely dispersed solid particles.
462 Mailability
Liquids and powders that are nonhazardous (i.e., not regulated as hazardous materials) are mailable provided they are properly packaged as specified in 463 and DMM 601.1-601.8 and DMM 601.11.9.


Active Member
I would ask them for more information as to what postal code it is violating cause I think they're lying. Don't believe me though, look it up yourself. The only way they can refuse shipment or press charges is if the items shipped is considered hazardous. There are literally hundreds of places shipping corals via USPS, even the big name pet stores and I don't see them doing it if it were illegal. I don't see how corals or saltwater could possibly be considered hazardous. Again, don't just trust me, go ahead and search for USPS ship corals and see for yourself. What probly happened is they fkd up and they're trying to cover their a$$es now. Here's a short list of 'hazardous' items:
Nail polish
Flea collars or flea sprays
Pool chemicals
Fuels or gasoline
Dry ice
Mercury thermometers
Cleaning supplies
Items previously containing fuel


Active Member
I think i smell BS. You really should call this guy out and ask what specific policy you violated. I think he's just trying to scare you so that you don't sue him for the damaged goods they delivered. I really really really find it hard to believe that USPS turns away any and all liquid for shipment, that seems to me that it would be an extremely large chunk of business (maybe that's why my postage is going up....). I think they broke the package by accident, and don't want to be held liable for the damages so they are trying to scare you into thinking your at fault. Is it your fault they did a crap job of handling your package?
If anything the SENDER would be the one liable, NOT you.
i talk to the post master and asked what exact policy was violated and he told me that the ELM i guess its a postoffice bible lol says the container thats being shipped has to be a

on lid soddered lid and a few others , he told me that even if the box was tripple boxed and tripple bagged its not going to be shipped. He also said that when you drop stuff off to be shipped the person askes 4 questions is this or does this contian liquid so on if you answer yes to one of thoes questions the he/she has to ask how its packaged!
here is the phone number ask for the postmaster 914-779-7092


but you still didn't answer my question. Was this purchase from an online store or a private party?


Active Member
if you paid with paypal, then I would file with them asap, if its credit card then with them.
Seems funny about the liquids thing. I just got a package from a business - usps today with snails and water.


oh yeah. that's probably going to

you then.
Have you contacted the person you bought them from? They obviously didn't package well and seriously speaking, they're liable for it. I don't see why you should have to be out all that money when it wasn't your fault.


Does SWF.com hand deliver their own stuff? Someone delivers it and I'm sure UPS,USPS or FEDEX and are regulated the same.
My son is in Sherman, Illinois and a Post Master. I will call and ask him about this tonight.


Active Member
i ship chaeto and have shipped corals all the time using USPS>
i put LIQUID-WATER, PERISHABLE, and LIVE PLANT on every package, and tell the tellers.
all i do is triple bag the chaeto...no one has ever said BOO about it.


Active Member
This is USPS requirement for shipping liquids -
463 Packaging and Marking
The following conditions apply:
a. Liquids. Nonhazardous liquids, creams, and pastes (particularly those in 1-gallon paint cans with only friction-top closures) are often a source of damage to other mail and postal equipment. The proper packaging of liquids is critical to ensuring the integrity of the mailpiece during handling.
All liquids are subject to the general packaging requirements in DMM 601.1-601.8 and the following:
(1) Containers having friction-top closures are not acceptable by themselves. Such containers must be packed within a strong and securely sealed outer packaging.
(2) S-crew caps with a minimum of one and one-half turns, soldering clips, or other effective means must be used to ensure a secure closure.
(3) Glass and other breakable containers more than 4 fluid ounces and any containers over 32 fluid ounces must be cushioned within a sealed, waterproof container such as a can or a plastic bag, and must be packed within a strong and securely sealed outer packaging.
(4) Steel pails and drums with carrying handles and positive closures (e.g., locking rings or recessed spouts under s-crewcap closures) may be accepted without additional packaging.
USPS of course has the right to refuse shipment for improperly packaged liquids, but this would ultimately be the responsibility of the sender.


Active Member
How did you pay for the shipment? You said you got it from a hobbiest. Did you pay cash or paypal? Sounds like this guy just did a crappy job packing the corals and is trying to blame the post office.


Active Member
Agreeing with everyone here. You did your part by paying for the merchandise. The responsibility lies with the shipper in complying with USPS policies. Has he ever shipped this way before? If so, then he has a gripe with his P.O. Either way, you should get your money back.


New Member
Originally Posted by corallover23
the USPS does not i repeat does not ship anything liquid , fragel , or hazzardous if you are found to have any of this you will be fined! or possable jail! dont send coral threw usps!
i am out 650.00
The shipment mentioned actually would be ruled by the guidlines defined as
"Perishable matter"
Not liquid! as assumed or implied.
Let me know if you require additional information.
I agree with other opinions that state...
"something about this post is off"
Seems that too many children have too much time to waste on the PC these day's I guess.