update pics of my 280.(rick)


many thanks guys for your comments .
bill, yes it is a closed loop running twin dart sequence pumps rated at 13000 litres p/h each
as far as the sand bed it varies in depth some at half inch and up to two and a half.
have to get more lr but my lfs its getting a bit salty with his prices you would think that after all the $ his allready got from me he would at least give 2 boxes at cost price hey?
anyway what i might do is get some base rock and it should seed in a couple of months.
take care guys and ill keep you posted! (rick)
p.s. i was thinking of getting a copper band b/f. dont know much about the feeding (
)habits so if anybody has one please let me know.


copperband will wipe out feather dusters and lps i think (bubble corals,hammers,ect......) other than that they eat brine mysis,and i have seen a few who ate flakes. very cool fish tho


Active Member

Wow, that is awesome. Do you have access to the back of the tank, like a room behind it or anything? Did you build the stand & canopy for it? Its truly beautiful. Im planning on setting a system up sililar to that when I move into my new house next spring. I may try to pick your brain a bit about it later on if you dont mind. :happyfish
Escape :happyfish :happyfish


many thanks to averyone that replied ,
thanks for the info diablo! well i put in a copper band and it done a bit of a clean up on the dusters at least hes eating hey? any way he just has to change the menu soon!

escapetwo= no , i havent got accsess from behind the tank , i fitted 4 doors and i have plenty of room for the sump (4 feet) and my r.o. tank(3foot) it works really good its very quiet. ill be more than happy to pass more info when you need it.
ps, i did build all , but not the tank.


Thats one clean tank
. I hope my 10gal will be that nice :notsure:

Oh and great craftmanship


thanks guys for your support and comments.
rubberduck regarding the size of corals we get all dif. sizes here the average price is about aus$45 smalls around $25.
than again didnt you know that everything downunder is HHUUUGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEE! even the crocks!lol. :hilarious
(bananas aswell)


That is an incredible tank....it looks very clean and "rich" built in the wall like that...