Update pics........


Originally Posted by jr2857
nice pics. if it is a 90 gallon you might consider upgrading by any chance.

Yes Jr i am upgradeing toward the begining of summer and have a 100 gal for the sohal to live in temp that is 6' long and 18 wide and then all will be moveing into a big tank not sure of the size still in planning but dont worry!


Originally Posted by jr2857
nice pics. if it is a 90 gallon you might consider upgrading by any chance.

Why would he need to upgrade? it looks great just the way it is.


Active Member
RG, you asked for some rockwork pics. Here are some. Notice that the tunnels in each corner are large enough for the shark to get through either end. Also, The rock structures are built only on the back 1/2 of the width. The center structure is only for the eel and grouper.
