Update with pictures!


Pic of my whole tank

Close up of my zoo's

Another whole pic

Close up of my gsp that is still closed.

Will love to hear some comments, does anybody have suggestions of what else to add?


Active Member
Your tank is looking good for being newly set up, how long has it been running? I would question the gsp, the base is supposed to be a nice purple color. there is a thread on the reef forum that shows the color it should be, the thread is entitled hitchhikers id. You should check it out and compare. How long have you had the gsp, and what kind of lights do you have and what kind was it under before you bought it? Also gsp likes a little more flow than most corals, except obviously sps. You should have it in an area of higher flow. Other than that, looks good. Keep us informed...


Active Member
oh yeah and where is delaware ohio? I work in Richmond Indiana, right across the border, and would love to trade you for a frag of those zoos if you are interested I have lots of different stuff....


Thanks, under the gsp it is bright purple, and it has been in my tank for abour 4 days now. I do have my power head tilted towards it so it does get a good amount of flow.
My tank has been up for about 3 almost 4 months now. And I do have another fish in there, he is just in his hiding tunnel under my lr. (Twinspot goby) I also just have the basic lighting that came with my 14 g biocube.


Active Member
i was going to say that GSP looks completely dead. if its not opening you may want to change the flow around.


I think I will give the gsp a few more days, it is sitting on a white rock, so that pic isnt just the whole thing. Delaware ohio is the county right above columbus. I would love to do some trading once I get a handle on keeping coral, I just got that frag of zoo's a week ago.