Originally Posted by JayC
Wow, them are nice pics adam!! What kinda substate are u using? Looks like you have lots of coralline algea growing. Did u say u were going to get a 125? I wish I had the $$$ to have a tank that big. I'm thinking about upgradeing to a 75 though. The reason is I hate the width of my 55gal. I cant build out the rocks or anything like I want to. At my lfs they have them drilled with the overflow for $200.
Thanks Josh!!! Right now I have CC, and let me tell you-NEVER TRY IT. I have a BIG project coming up, and you know what it is? I have to rip apart my tank and take all the rock out so I can take the CC out and put sand in. I cant keep my nitrates down and it is all because of the stupid CC. Yeah, the coraline is starting, and I am getting a 125!! I talked it over with my parents. I am SOOOOOO EXCITED!! A 75 is a very nice tank. I also hate the width of my 55....it just plain out sucks. 200 bucks drilled with overflow is a GREAT price!! I thought your parents said you couldnt get anything bigger than a 55?!?!