updated 20 gallon pics


Active Member
Thanks man- i was suposed to be getting a 60$ check in the mail but the guy sent it to the wrong address- as soon as i get that i can swap- but if you have someone waiting in line for them- you should just trade- and mabye you can frag some more down the road?

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
Thanks man- i was suposed to be getting a 60$ check in the mail but the guy sent it to the wrong address- as soon as i get that i can swap- but if you have someone waiting in line for them- you should just trade- and mabye you can frag some more down the road?

I am sure I can get rid of them to someone in the Reef Club, but I'll hold them for you for a little while. There is 3-4 more polyps on it since we started talking about a swap! Just keep me informed.


Active Member
j21, I have a 20 gal fowlr at the moment and I was wondering what kind of lighting, filtration, etc you have. I was thinking of upgrading my lighting so I can later accomodate some corals. Everyone tells me a 20 gallon is a hard tank to keep. Other than adding water for evap. every day is there any other maintenance that is unique to a small reef. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Kickster- SWEET!!! Of course it looks liek yoru computer issues are fixed - how's the girlfriend??
Shoreliner - I have a 20 and it is nice and stable!! I use a DSB, LR and a tetra-tec HOB filter (with built in heater) as my filtration - I run carbon in the tetratec and change the pad once every 4 weeks.
I also change water monthly!! 1-3 gallons per month.



Originally posted by j21kickster
11- enjoy!

That is the most incredible tank.....what are your secrets.....


Active Member
thanks guys-
I have about 4 " DSB- i use an eheim 2213 canister filter - lights are 4X32watt PC- this was my first terious reef tank and although it is nice im not 100% happy with it- i do 6 gallon WC enery 2-3 weeks- no skimmer- but it is nice and established which helps- around christmas im cinverting everything into a 20 gallon long wiht 4X65watt PC- it will be a killer- i will also not havfe a DSB- i may do like an inch or go bare bottom- bot quite sure yet
any other questions- please ask