updated 20 gallon pics


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
i work on saturday:mad: dang i wish i could go

Take a really long lunch - The couple who are hosting it live near 95th and I35 ... roughly


Active Member
Actually i am :D :p
Originally posted by frogz
yeah really get some fresh air

I understood the joke from jerome- however i hold supreme power of this thread- that means you as well as anyone else must first go through me- i wish


Fantastic.. Some peope can't get thier huge tanks to look like that
and it is so much easier.. Get a full pic of that tank on here


j21kickster - that is awesome!!!!
I have a 20 gallon that I am in the process of starting. What kind of powerhead do you have in there???


New Member
Curious about the media setup in your 2213?
Any specific mods you've done to it?
I've got a 29 gal. fish and invert setup w/2213 and live rock. Although I'm thinking of taking out the bio media in my eheim and have only mech filtration and some carbon...I don't have a DSB, only around a inch. I see that you want to get rid of yours, do you suspect to have any bio-filtration problems when you do that?
J21Kickster, I love your tank. I was going to post some pictures of mine so people could help tell me what I need; but I see I need more than bare rock with some brown algae growing. I'm confused. I have a 29 gallon and I don't understand how you got all those lights I saw displayed in one of your pictures to go over top of your tank. I can't get my local fish shop to explain how I can get the lighting overtop of my tank; yet keep an attractive presentation as well. Your tank is my goal. How I wish I understood what to do. :confused:


Active Member
For the lighting-
it is just 4 PCs lined up- that hood is not a standard make- you could do a hood with 4 65w PC if you wanted to- but you might have to make it yourself- Im glad you like the tank- and i converted everything into a 20 gallon long and that has the same footprint as a 29gal- i will be using 8- 32w PCs over it- it should be pretty swet. Anything eslse i can help with- just ask:D