Updated 29 Biocube Pics

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to post some new pics from my 29 Biocube since I added the Koralia Powerhead and the Oceanic Skimmer. I also added some nice new Red Mushrooms and a Yellow Watchman Goby. The tank is doing great and the water quality seems to be a little better since the skimmer has been in there for about 3 weeks now. Hope you enjoy the pics, let me know what you think. Thanks



Active Member
very nice! It looks very healthy and I like the colors you have. how long has it been up? Is the goby the only fish?
edit: just saw the other two fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
very nice! It looks very healthy and I like the colors you have. how long has it been up? Is the goby the only fish?
edit: just saw the other two fish

uhhhh three fish
you have a very nice looking tank,what kind of lighting do you have cuz i see you have a clam, my boyfriend and i just got a 24 gallon cube and he wants a clam
Thanks for the comments, the tank has been running since August 07, there are actually 7 fish in the tank, Maroon Clown, Sailfin Tang, Yellow Watchman Goby, Red Firefish, Purple Firefish, Yellow Rose Goby, and a Neon Goby. I also have a Serpant Star, Emerald Crab, 5 Bumblebee Snails, 3 Margarita Snails, Coral Banded Shrimp. The lights are just the stock Biocube lights, the clam is placed at the top of the tank and loves it, it has been in there the longest of all the corals, and does great, I know alot of people say you cant have a clam in the biocubes but if you keep it at the top of the tank it gets plenty of light. Before anybody goes crazy about the tang in the tank, it is a small one and I know it wont be able to stay in the cube long term, I have another fish only tank it will be place in later. Enjoy

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by phils29bcinwa
Thanks for the comments, the tank has been running since August 07, there are actually 7 fish in the tank, Maroon Clown, Sailfin Tang, Yellow Watchman Goby, Red Firefish, Purple Firefish, Yellow Rose Goby, and a Neon Goby. I also have a Serpant Star, Emerald Crab, 5 Bumblebee Snails, 3 Margarita Snails, Coral Banded Shrimp. The lights are just the stock Biocube lights, the clam is placed at the top of the tank and loves it, it has been in there the longest of all the corals, and does great, I know alot of people say you cant have a clam in the biocubes but if you keep it at the top of the tank it gets plenty of light. Before anybody goes crazy about the tang in the tank, it is a small one and I know it wont be able to stay in the cube long term, I have another fish only tank it will be place in later. Enjoy
what are your water readings?!?!?!?!?!?
It is the Koralia Nano, and my water readings are :
Nitrate-0 - 2
Phosphates- .25
Calcium- 440
Ph- 8.2
Salinity- 1.025
Temp.- 79
I know it may be a little overstocked, but the water quality stays great and I do regular weekly water changes. I change 5 gallons of water every sunday to make sure the quality stays good. The tanks has been running since late July early August and is doing great, I have had this load in it for a while now, the only thing I have added in the last month is the Watchman Goby, he is the last fish going in it for sure. The tang will be moving to my 55 gallon fish only tank in a few months, so that should lighten the load some. The largest fish in the biocube then will be the maroon clown. I will add some pics of the fish in a little while. Thanks
Here are a few of the fish pics, the one of the tang is kind of blurry because he wont slow down long enough for me to click the picture, the yellow rose goby is in hiding right now along with the purple firefish. I got the red firefish and the clown pretty good, notice the emerald crab behind the clown and I got a good one of my serpant star. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures.



Active Member
I no its been said but your tank is WAY overstocked. It could just crash and that would be bad. Maroon and Sailfin will get WAY to big. Sailfins should be in 125 gallon tanks. 5 fish would be good but still alittle over stocked.
BUT still nice tank
so you are telling me that a tank with only a couple fish cant crash right? I test my water on a regular basis and do weekly water changes to keep the quality high. I monitor my tank daily to prevent problems, and yes it probably has to many fish for the normal hobbyist but I take very good care of my tank.


Active Member
After years of experiance all I have learned is... I dont know anything! nobody knows all when it comes to swf! Your tank looks great! and if you say its healthy.. then it is! hey is your watchman aggresive? mine is really mean,he even picks on my crabs. Continued sucess and thatnks for the great pic's!!!!!!!!
The watchman is not aggressive at all, he stays in the front of the tank on the sand just perched up looking out at everything all the time, he sometimes will sit up on the rock work for a while but most of the time he is right at the glass looking out. The tang didnt take to him at first, he was picking at him quite a bit, but now they are getting along.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phils29bcinwa
so you are telling me that a tank with only a couple fish cant crash right? I test my water on a regular basis and do weekly water changes to keep the quality high. I monitor my tank daily to prevent problems, and yes it probably has to many fish for the normal hobbyist but I take very good care of my tank.
Ya every1 takes good care of thier tank on this site, or most people. One day your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates are going to skyrocket and kill alot of your stuff. Yes with less fish, less pollution less chance of a crash